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Barton is strapped down. Natasha and Alyssa watch over him as Barton tries to shake off Loki's mind control.

"Clint, you're gonna be alright." Natasha told him.

"Yeah dont worry everything will be back to normal in no time." Alyssa told him reassuring.

 "You know that? Is that what you guys know? I got...I gotta go in though. I gotta flush him out.!" clint told them. 

 "We don't have that long, it's gonna take time." Natasha told him.

"I don't understand. Have you ever had someone take your brain and play? Pull you out and send something else in? Do you know what it's like to be unmade?" Clint asked the both of them.

"you know that I do." Natasha told him. They both looked at Alyssa.

"Okay do not look at me im a god no one can freaking mess with my head " She brags.

They both smile at her. she smiles back happy cause they atleast let out a smile. 

Clint shakes his head. "Why am I back? How did you get him out?"

"Cognitive recalibration. I hit you really hard in the head." Natasha said.

"Hey i would have done it believe cause i would have loved to brag about it...but she beat me to it." Alyssa said with a shrug.

"Thanks." He said. Alyssa  unfastens the restraints. "Guys, how many agents?

"Don't. Don't do that to yourself, Clint. This is Loki. This is monsters and magic and nothing we were ever trained for." Natasha told him.

"I was kind of trained for it but im not going to brag about it." Alyssa said. they shook their head. she turned to clint. "listen to me popsicle i swear we will make loki pay for his deeds okay?" She put her hands on either side of his cheeks.  "and dont you ever dare think that any of this was your fault." 

Clint nodded . He let out a breathe. "Loki, he got away?"

"Yeah. I don't suppose you know where?" Natasha asked. 

"I didn't need to know. I didn't ask. He's gonna make his play soon though. Today." Clint said.

 "We gotta stop him."

 "Yeah? Who's we?"

 "I don't know. Whoever's left."

 "Well, if I put an arrow in Loki's eyesocket, I'd sleep better I suppose."

Natasha and Alyssa smiled at each other.  "Now you sound like you."

They both sits next to him. One on each side.

"But you don't." Clint said looking at Natasha.  "You're a spy, not a soldier. Now you want to wade into a war. Why? What did Loki do to you?"

 "He didn't, I just... (SHE PAUSES)"

"Natasha." Alyssa and clint say together sternely. 

"I've been compromised. I got red in my ledger. I'd like to wipe it out."

The three of them sigh. Alyssa rests her head on clints shoulder. She sniffs the air. She brings her head back up and looks at clint. "Go freshen up you smell like crap."

He nudges her but goes into the restroom.

A few minutes later. Steve walks in full uniform. Natasha and Alyssa look at him, unprepared.

"Time to go." Steve said.

"Go where?" Natasha asked.

"I'll tell you on the way. Can any of you fly one of those jets?"

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