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The Commodore nears the end of the wormhole and spits out into the calmness of outer space.

Banner, alyssa, Thor, and Valkyrie are all unconscious. Banner wakes up and looks outside, the stars reflected in the windshield. Thor, Alyssa and Valkyrie wake up. Outside they see they are in Asgard a flat city in the middle of an island floating in space.

"I never thought I'd be back here." Valkyrie said.

The ship descends into the clouds above Asgard.

"I thought it'd be nicer. I mean, not that it's not nice. It's just, it's on fire." Banner said.

"Here, up here in the mountains."

A projected map on the console shows the mountain where the stronghold is located. There is a red dot in the mountain, indicating where the Asgardian citizens are.

"Heat signatures. People clustered together. Hela's coming for them." Valkyrie said.

"Okay, drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away." Thor said.

"Um excuse me?" Alyssa said.

"And get yourself killed?" Valkyrie said.

"The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela, I need you three to help get everyone off Asgard."

"You know what's funny?" Alyssa asked.


"That you think I'll let you go fight our sister alone!"


"No you Listen she's our sister that means she's our problem that's means we'll deal with her if you have a problem with it.....it's your problem not mine."

"I can't control you."

"Oh come on you've never been able to!"

"Guys How the hell are we supposed to get the people pit of asgard?" Bruce asked.

"I have a man on the ground." Thor said.

Alyssa goes towards Thor full decked and  the Commodore lifts off into the air. Before she's out of earshot, Val calls down.

""Your majesty." Don't die. You know what I mean."

The Commodore flies away, leaving Thor and Alyssa on the balcony.

"You should have kissed her!" Alyssa said looking at Thor.


"You might not get a second chance!"

"You know sometimes I wonder what goes on in your brain and other times I just don't think I want to know!" Thor walks away.

"Come on I was serious!"

Thor's footsteps echo through the empty space. Alyssa follows behind. They see the items from the vault scattered beside the throne. Thor and Alyssa  sees a chunk of plaster from the dismantled fresco. Thor picks it up and sees that this piece of fresco bears a portion of his own face. Thor then looks up. His eyes go wide. Alyssa looks at jis fave and looks up herself.

They look up at the ceiling where thors  painting used to be and finds the original which depicts Odin and Hela conquering the nine realms, with Hela's butchers all around them. Hela holds Mjolnir. Alyssas eyes go wide.

Thor was on the throne holding Odin's signature spear. Slamming it on the ground. Alyssa standing rught besides him her hand on his shoulder.

"Well we got her attention!" Alyssa muttered.

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