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Steve and Natasha go to the mall disguised.

"First rule of going on the run is, don't run, walk." Natasha said.

"If I run in these shoes, they're gonna fall off." Steve said.

"I thought that's supposed to be my line eventhough I'm not wearing heals" Alyssa said.

They got to the Mac store.

"The drive has a Level Six homing program, so as soon as we boot up SHIELD will know exactly where we are." Natasha said.

"How much time do we have?" Steve asked.

"Uh...about nine minutes from..." she pops the flash drive into a MacBook Pro "Now."  several SHIELD vehicles heading their way "Fury was right about that ship, somebody's trying to hide something. This drive is protected by some sort of AI, it keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands."

"Can you override it?" Steve asled

"The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me. Slightly." Natasha said.

"That still means she or he is smarter than you." Alyssa whispered.

"I'm gonna try running a tracer. This is a program that SHIELD developed to track hostile malware, so if we can't read the file, maybe we can find out where it came from." Natasha said.

"Can I help you guys with anything?" An employee asked.

"Oh, no. My fiancé was just helping me with some honeymoon destinations." Natassha said.

"Right! We're getting married." Steve said awkwardly.

"You'd think that me being the bridesmaid would have it handled hut they insited cause they really don't like my choices." Alyssa said.

"Congratulations. Where do you guys thinking about going?" She asked.

Steve looks at the monitor and sees the signal traced to somewhere in New Jersey

"New Jersey." Steve said.

"Oh." the employee looks at Steve for a moment.  "I have the exact same glasses."

"Wow, you two are practically twins" Natasha said sarcastically.

"Next you'll say that the both of you have the same obsession with cappuccino." Alyssa said teasingly.

"Yeah, I wish. Specimen. Uh...if you guys need anything, I've been Aaron."

"Thank you." Steve said. He turned to Alyssa. "Cappuccino seriously?"

"What it made me laugh thats a win in my books." She shrugged

"You said nine minutes, come on." Steve said.

"Shh, relax. Got it." Natasha said.

they find the signal is coming from Wheaton, NJ

"You know it?" Alyssa asked Steve.

"I used to. Let's go." Steve said.

Steve pulls the flash drive from the computer and they walk out of the store

"Standard tac-team. Two behind, to across, two coming straight at us. If they make us, I'll engage, you hit the south escalator to the metro."

as two agents are coming straight towards them.
"Shut up and put your arm around me, laugh at something I said." Natasha said.

"What?" Steve asked.

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