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"Hey, sailor." Natasha said.

she quickly knocks him down and manages to swing down below deck shooting several of the pirates on the way Alyssa following close behind.

"Natasha, Alyssa what's your status?"

we see Natasha jumping down below deck to knock out one of the pirates and Alyssa walks in looks at the pirate takes out her phone.

"Say cheese." She takes a selfie with him holding up a piece sign.

"Status, you guys?"

"Hang on!" Natasha said.

as the pirate attacks her she quickly knocks him out.

She looks at Alyssa. "You know youre supposed to help right?"

"Eh your doing just fine." She said.

Natasha rolls her eyes and speaks into her earpiece. "Engine room secure."

Alyssa grabs a pipe from the ground and knocks out one of the pirates. She looks up at Natasha. "There you go I helped."

"Natasha, Alyssa Batroc's on the move. Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages." They hear through the comms.

Alyssa looked at Natasha. She just put her finger to her lips. Alyssa shrugged and continued to play with her nails.


Steve smashes the guy through the door of a room and knocks him out with a strong punch to the face.

Natasha and Alyssa looked up. "Well, this is awkward."

"What are you guys doing?" He asked.

"Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into." Natasha said.

"Rumlow needed your help. What the hell are you doing here?"

Steve goes over to them and looks at what Natasha is backing up

"You're saving SHIELD Intel." Steve said.

"Whatever we can get my hands on." She replied.

"Our mission is to rescue hostages." He said.

"No. That's your mission." Natasha said.

She finishes backing up and pulls the flash drive out.

"And you've done it beautifully." Alyssa said. ""Great work."

as Alyssa was goes to leave Steve grabs her arm.

"You both just jeopardized this whole operation."

"I think that's overstating things." Natasha said.

suddenly Batroc rises and throws a grenade at the three as he runs off, Steve deflects the bomb with his shield, grabs Alyssa who grabs Natasha  and jumps through a window before it explodes.

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