The Sunken Pearl

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The crew reached Golden Sands very quickly and barely had they docked when Estella was already walking up the dock with heavy footsteps, her boots making the planks below her creak.

"Stella, hold on." Jacob catched up to her while the others secured the ship.

"What?" she asked impatiently.

"Don't rush it. If we annoy that castaway stranger, we might not get anything at all out of her."

Estella was getting even more furious. "This woman got us into that mess in the first place. Now she will help us to do it right." She stormed off, followed by her crew.

The stranger was drawing symbols into the sand when they arrived. "Again we meet - and now you understand the truth better, yes?"

"I understand that we are in a lot of trouble right now, so talk!" the fierce Latina nearly shouted at her.

The stranger stayed calm, ignoring her anger. "Because of the treasure he stole, Jack Sparrow lost him freedom. And now that same fate come for us all. The Ferryman, him knew all about the threat we face - not from his prisoner, no but from the darkness that followed that prisoner from beyond the horizon. The Flying Dutchman and his forsaken Captain... "

"Davy Jones." Jacob finished the sentence. A cold shiver ran down his spine just from saying his name.

"Ah... You've heard him name before. Maybe in a bedtime story?" she grinned under her hood.

"...Something like that." he admitted.

The stranger giggled, which enraged Estella. What was so funny about that?

"Hm... But the danger him bring to the Sea of Thieves is more than just a tale, now that Jack's treasure is in Jones' possession. If Davy Jones is not stopped, this world will sink into shadows."

"We know that." Francois spoke up.

"Yeah now get to the point, dammit!" Estella was getting impatient. Jacob gently laid a hand in her shoulder. The two locked eyes and she calmed down. He was the only one who could cool her temper.

"Jack is the only one who held the key to reach Davy Jones and take back that treasure - but now, poor Jack is beyond our sight, set adrift in the Sea of the Damned. Still, we may not be so lost as that. For Jack's destiny is a tangled web, tied with the fate of him one true love... The Black Pearl. In her, there's hope. Perhaps even even a way to reach those who are lost."

She gave Estella another book with clues and notes. "This journey is a treacherous one. The seas hold many secrets, long since forgotten. What you think you know of it's past is only a glimpse through the door that Davy Jones opened.  But no I fear we have no choice. Take these papers and study them. Then dive into the deep and find the heart of the sunken Pearl before the dark water swallows her... forever!"

"Can't you speak clearly, you wrench?!" Estella shouted. The stranger acted like she wasn't even there and sat back down on her stone to continue drawing symbols in the sand. The captain snorted and then turned around, storming back towards the ship at a fast pace.

Back on the ship, they took a look at inside the book and found a map. "Abby, how fast can we get there?"

Abby took a look at their own man, situated on the main deck. "Southwest of Old Sands Atoll and Discovery Ridge... a few hours maybe, depending on the wind."

Estella closed the book and handed it to Abby. "Good, then let's make haste. We have little time and no to lose." She began shouting orders to the others. "Hoist the sails, lift the anchor! Rapido, rapido!"

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