Captains of the Damned

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The next stop was a fortress town that was bombarded by a pirate ship. Estella took a quick look into the book Gibbs gave her and deducted where they were. "This is the raid on Isla Tesoro. While Jacks rivals attacked the town, he managed to get into the treasury and escape unharmed."

"Sounds like a true adventurer

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"Sounds like a true adventurer." Jacob commented. Sure he was still a narcissist, but he also seemed to be a great pirate. And adventurer like them.

As they docked the ship and entered the town, the saw ghost pirates rampaging the town, looting the place and torturing the civilians for their valuables. Like the mayor being towered down into a well. But they eventually found Jack being chased by rival pirates. Seems like trouble has always followed this guy around. Then again, pirates will be pirates and thieves will be thieves.

The saw the ghost of Jack, or his memory, running away from some hostile pirates and followed them towards the fortress. Since the gate was closed, the had to find another method and climbed onto a nearby house to jump into the fort. William, with his wooden leg, had difficulties making the jump. He jumped and nearly fell but Jacob and Francois quickly grabbed his arms and picked him up. "That was close." remarked the Quartermaster. Indeed, no one of the crew wanted to know what happened when they died in the Sea of the Damned.

They finally located Jack in the treasury, enjoying himself among the gold and artifacts around him. Estella wasn't furious nor surprised. Pirates were selfish and reckless people. Why would someone like him care for others? Care that there were people out them that needed him.

"Yo-ho, Yo-ho, drink out me hearties yo ho!" Jack sang.

"Yeah that's nice. Can we talk?" Jack did not respond and instead looked at his compass before moving up some stairs. "Oi! I'm talking to ye!" Estella shouted after him.

"No use captain. It's just a memory." Abby said.

Well don't just stare there. After him!" Francois spurted them on. But instead of Jack, they were met with more Phantom pirates attacking them. The crew formed a circle and kept moving. The phantoms were much more faster than the skeletons and would use lunge attacks to push them back. But they fought them of.

Just in time to see the bell tower collapse from a broadside of the pirate vessel. "Holy shit!" Abby yelled as the ground began to rumble thanks to collapsing tower. Some of the  pirates nearly slipped from the roof but they eventually all got down to safety. The town was an even bigger mess than before.

"Where the hell is Jack?" Estella asked.

"Who cares? We need to leave, right now!" Jacob mentioned and his captain agreed. Her first priority was the safety of her crew, her friends.

The fought of more phantoms until they arrived in the main square. There was Black Dog Briar. "You again?" Francois asked. "Need another beating?" Despite  his age, the old sea dog had a lot of fight in him.

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