What have you done?

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"The scenery's not inspiring, but it's good to stretch me legs." Jack said when they were back on deck. "Now, let's gte off this ship before -- "

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" shouted the ferryman. He still hadn't moved from his wheel and he had no intentions of doing so.

" -- that happens."

The ferryman judgingly pointed a finger at Estella and each of her crew members. "You, from the living world... why have you interfered with my work?"

"I knew this was a bad idea." Jacob cursed under his breath.

"The selfish actions of this... Sparrow... have brought catastrophe in his wake. Dire fortune now threatens to consume the Sea of Thieves itself!" the ferryman claimed.

Even Estella was now horrified. She turned to Jack. "Is this true, Senior Sparrow?"

But the pirate just rolled his eyes and sighed. "That's CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow, mates!" he clarified before turning his attention to the ferryman. "And I think you may be overreacting just a smidge. I know the ture worth of what I possess, and I intend to keep it quite safe. Now, I can see that you are very busy, and very grumpy, so we'll just be on our way..."

"SILENCE! You shall be returned to your cell, and this time the key shall be thrown overboard into the abyss! What you possess must never be permitted to..."

The discussion was interrupted when a large ship emerged from the depths of the abyss on the starboard side

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The discussion was interrupted when a large ship emerged from the depths of the abyss on the starboard side. It was even bigger than a galleon! The sails were made out of seaweed, the wood covered in barnacles and the figurehead depicted the grim reaper.

"Now do you see the folly of your actions?!" the ferryman shouted at the living. "Already the sands of time have trickled into oblivion and we are discovered. HE... has found us!"

The crew rushed towards the railing, seeing the terrifing ship closing in on them.

"They have our scent now... We cannot flee. Therefore, we must fight! To arms!" the ferryman shouted, raising his sword.

"Steady, mate. That's the Flying Dutchman we're talking about. She's no ordinary ship." Jack said.

"Then, on the waves of my domain, she will find herself well-matched." the ferryman declared.

"The Flying Dutchman?!" Jacob asked. He couldn't believe it. Before he came to the Sea of Thieves, he had already heard stories about this ship and the legend surrounding it. But he thought legends were only real in the Sea of Thieves.

"Play your part, pirates! The cannon stand ready. Unleach the furry of the dead upon this interloper, that we might put an end to calamity before it begins." the ferryman adressed them.

"I believe that means he like us to use the guns." Jack commented.

Estella rolled her eyes in frustration at the strange fella. Barely had she done so, then first volley of cannon fire began crashing into the ferrys side. The compassionate and friendly Estella now transformed into the role she had to play: that of the battlemaster and captain. She drew her cutlass, adressing her crew. "Man the cannons!"

Her crew did as they were told and started return fire. As Jack had said, this really was no ordinary ship. The enemy vessel took dozens of cannonballs and still continued to fire, showing no signs of defeat. But the ferry too seemed to absorb any damage they took. It was a ghost ship, after all.

The Flying Dutchman then tried to ram them but the ferryman steered the ship away just in time. "They mean to board us! Defend the ship or all is lost!"

"And what do you suggest I defend her with, mate?" Jack asked him. "I forgot to bring the bone." If the situation hadn't be so serious, Jacob would have laughed at that.

"Grr... Very well. Take my blade while I steady our course." he threw the sword towards Jacks feet. "A dead man's sword for a dead man's hand."

No sooner had Jack picked up the sword, when they were boarded by strange creatures. The pirates had never before seen these things. Some had electric eels coming out of them, and these were the most human looking ones. The others were giant crabs that walked on two legs or were covered in barnacles and had the head of a clam, that spit acid. Still, they were no match for Jack and the other pirates, as they fought them off with relative ease.

 But then, disaster struck. One of the giant crab monsters got a hold on Jacks treasure before jumping off the ferry and onto the Flying Dutchman.

"Oih, my treasure! Get it back, mate!" Jack called out to the ferryman. "I gave her my word!"

"Her?" Jacob thought. "So he went through all this trouble for a woman?"

"ENOUGH!" a voice called out from the enemy ship and a loud clicking sound could be heard. "Destroy them!"

A shockwave emerged from the Flying Dutchman, nearly causing the ferry to capsize. "Woah!" Jack shouted as he fell over the railing.

"Jack!" Abby yelled and tried to grab him but couldn't get a hold on him and he fell into the icy depths of the abyss. The pirates were so shocked that they almost didn't notice the Flying Dutchman sinking below the waves for the last time.

"No... No no no..." Estella muttered. They lost the treasure and the pirate they were supposed to save. They had failed. For the first time, they failed.

"What have you done? Why... Why did you not heed my warning?" the ferryman asked them, his voice filled with worry. The pirates wanted to apologize, to say that they didn't know. But what difference would it made now?

"Now Sparrow is lost. And our enemy has the key in his grasp to fulfill his dark ambitions and lay siege to the Sea of Thieves. Already his plans are in motion, deep beneath the waves." He pointed a finger at each and every one of them. "You have caused much harm this day, however... you fought bravely. I shall return you and your vessel to the land of the living. So that you may continue to fight - fight to save all that you have endangered. Fail, and you shall bear witness as this world, too, falls under the shadow of Davy Joney..."

The ferrys bell rang and the portal to the living world opened up for them. Without saying a word to the ferrman or each otherm they walked through the portal, almost like in trance.

When they opened their eyes again, they were back on their ship, the warm sun bearing down on them.

"So, what do we do now?" Jacob asked as he got up from the deck. The crew gathered in a circle.

"Orders, cap'n?" William asked Estella.

Estella seemed to be still in shock, but she nodded. "Right... we need to find that mysterious stranger and talk to her. We have to let her know what happened."

"And clearly she knows more about ths Davy Jones fella and Jack Sparrow." Francois pointed out.

"Indeed, Quartermaster. Let's head back to the outpost."

Abby took the helm and steered the galleon back to Golden Sands, using the sun and nearby islands as navigation.

They had made a great mistake. But they were willing to fix it, no matter the cost. No one was going to take their home away.

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's LifeWhere stories live. Discover now