4: Hearing Aid

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Just the beautiful toms again, nothing else. Anyway hope you ejected I'm going to sleep right after this.

Anyway enjoy!!

Update: I fell asleep half way through this lmao.

Tommy chuckled as the aid just looked at the two teens confused.

"Seems like you two will already get along. Now go on you're already late." She said, Y/n nodded and signaled for Tommy to walk with her to their designated seats.

"This is it." Y/n signed as they stopped suddenly in the hallway. Tommy noticed the door and opened it for y/n.

Tommy looked at the crowd of kids that stared at him, as if he was new prey. Everyone except Y/n, who had signaled him to sit down in the table next to her.

He took a liking to her, but he didn't show it.

"Alright class!!" The teacher yelled clapping to catch the attention of the  chatting and gossiping teens. Which scared most of the students but caught their attention.

"So we do have so new comers. I would like to introduce Thomas Simons." He said, Tommy looked at me nervously. Y/n was confused what to do.

"Can you help me please, I do not want to talk." Tommy signed, y/n nodded and sat up with Tommy.

"Can you make something up?" Tommy asked, y/n tried not to smile to herself and nodded.

"This is Thomas, he's 16?" Y/n said nervously, Tommy nodded reassuring her. Y/n was struggling to not burst out laughing because the whole time Tommy was signing curse words.

"He's deaf. And..." y/n panicked, but luckily Tommy signed something that wasn't just cuss words.

"And Tommy here wants to be a video editor." Y/n said, Tommy stopped signing but was obviously holding back laughs.

"Well that was nice." Said the teacher, y/n sat down with Tommy still holding back laughs.

"You're a dumbass." Y/n signed, tommy had a hand over his mouth trying not to laugh manically.

The lecture carried on, it was quite peaceful and there weren't more interactions after that.

But when the bell rang they both walked out searching for Freddie before they had to go back to their classes.

Luckily they didn't look around for too long.

"HI!!" Y/n turned around tugging on Tommy's arm pointing to Freddie who was waving from the other side of the hall.

"Oh hey." Tommy yelped as Y/n pulled him towards Freddie. Tommy noticed Freddie and waved awkwardly, Freddie ran over to the teens walking with them as they began to walk outside for passing period.

"How was the class." Freddie asked nudging his arm. Tommy hesitated but y/n got a word in first.

"Embarrassing." She said laughing. Tommy glared at her but coiner help but smile. She wasn't wrong.

"Fuck off." Tommy said laughing, After a bit of talking they had to go back to classes.

"Welp, CYA FREDDIE!!" Y/n said as Freddie scurried to get his stuff and ran to his class.

"Byeee!!" He said waving as y/n turned back to Tommy.

"You ready? And please do not fucking sign cuss words." Y/n signed, making Tommy laugh.

"Ok." Tommy signed back, y/n rolled her eyes sarcastically.

They both walked into the building into their next class. This time it was English, y/n hated English, but not as much as the teacher.

They both walked in, although Tommy was nervous. y/n was waiting for the teacher to say something absurd.

They both sat down next to each other as instructed. But the silence was broken when the teacher walked up to her desk with a grunt.

"Alright class, we as you may see there is a new face in class. Everyone welcome Thomas. Now Thomas can you please stand up and present yourself." The teacher stated sternly, Tommy sat up eyeing y/n to get some type of reassurance.

"You'll be fine." Y/n quickly signed, Tommy nodded and got up towards the teachers desk.

"Uh hello, I'm Tommy. In 16 and deaf." Tommy said nervously still looking at y/n who put up a thumbs up.

Y/n noticed a couple of scoffs from the students around her. But she contained her self from getting too mad.

Tommy sat down back next to me. And then the lesson started.

"Wtf is she saying?" Tommy signed to Y/n, she looked at him confused.

"Don't you have your hearing aid in?" Y/n signed, Tommy took it out and noticed the battery had died.

"It died." He signed, y/n looked around nervously. For no particular reason, but she hoped they weren't being watched.

"Do you have an extra battery?" Tommy nodded, he reached into his back pack and began putting in the battery.

The teacher walked over to Tommy inspecting what he was doing. As he began placing the hearing aid back in he looked up to noticed her staring at him. With an evil glare, she smirked before opening her mouth.

"There are no headphones in class." She said reaching out her hand, Tommy hesitated and began to protest but was cut off.

"Do not protest against me, hand it over." She said, Tommy nodded and anxiously placed the hearing aid in her hand.

She walked away and placed the headphone onto the desk, she began with the lesson.

"Well shit." Tommy signed, y/n was stunned, she new the teacher would do something fucked up, but this was beyond repair.

"Well shit indeed." Y/n signed, y/n didn't even bother to translate what the teacher was saying. Instead they chatted amongst themselves.

That was until Tommy was called on for a question that regarded the lesson. Tommy sat there unfazed, playing with his pencil.

The teacher walked over to his desk.

"Do not mess with stuff during my class, first the headphone now this. You are lucky I haven't given you detention." She scoffed, Tommy looked up at her confused.

"You took my hearing aid."

I wrote this because this was very funny to me lmao. Anyway here you go.

Cock and balls up the halls

Word count: 1031


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now