7: Principal's Office

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More Wilbur because I know you like it when I draw him. You simps, anyway lol, it's 3 am I'm probably not going to finish it tonight but I'll write what I can.

Update: I got 3 paragraphs, record for me at least.


Y/n's minds slowly drifted off as the lesson went on, she couldn't help but glance over at Tommy. He was sitting there with his pencil in hand slowly drawing on the paper as instructed.

While Y/n, on the other hand was barely even caught up. At least it was because her mind was caught up in something she thought was way more important than class.

"Whelp, are you enjoying yourself?" Y/n asked nudging Tommy. He nodded tapping his pencil on the canvas.

"I'm not nearly done, how did you do it so fast?" Y/n asked, pointing to her paper, which wasn't even touched. Tommy chuckled.

"Maybe if you stopped staring at me." He said slyly. Y/n tensed up and her face flushed red.

"Shut up." Y/n said jokingly, trying to cover her blushing face. Tommy chuckled and went back to his drawing. Y/n tried to shrug it off and catch up with the lesson.

Which was more difficult than she anticipated.


After class Y/n had managed to finish the piece and turn it in without having extra homework to do. Tommy had done a pretty good job, but Y/n struggled greatly this class with her short attention span.

She walked out waiting for Tommy at the door after she turned her page in. Tommy came out shortly after.

"We should meet up with Freddie before anything." Tommy said. Y/n nodded in agreement. Just in cue the bell rang and the kids came flooding out their classes.

They both walked out towards the class to talk to Freddie as soon as they could. Y/n pulled out her phone to text her mom.

Mom, I need to stay after school for a tutor. I might spend the night at my friend's house though.

She quickly typed up as they both ran out the doors. They met Freddie waiting for them.

"HEY YOU TWO!!" He said waving. The two of them ran up to Freddie, frantically gasping for air.

"Hey man." Tommy said, panting a bit.

"Woah, catch your breath you two! Anyway good luck on the principal thing. I might stop by Toms house, hopefully you'll be there too." He said as he heard a car beep behind him. Y/n nodded and waved him good bye.

"Bye guys!!" He said, and both Y/n and Tommy waved and yelled their goodbyes as he got in the car and drove off.

"Well, we should head to the Principal's Office." Y/n said, Tommy nervously nodded and walked back with her as they both walked back into the building and into the halls to the principal's office.

"Well, wish us good luck." Tommy said, Y/n nodded nervously.

"We sure will need it." She said opening the door to see the principal sitting at her desk with the English teacher.

They gulped and sat down in front of the desk nervously.

"Why hello." She said looking up from her work. They both awkwardly smiled.

"You know why you're here?" She asked, looking over to the English teacher who was standing menacingly behind her.

"Yes ma-" Y/n cut off Tommy mid sentence.

"No, we don't." She said sternly. The principal cleared her throat.

"Well then, you must know about what happened earlier this evening?" She asked, looking at the both of us.

Tommy noticed Y/n was actually terrified so he stepped up. He proudly nodded his head.

"What I heard was you two bolted after a small misunderstanding, then came back to scold your English teacher here and then bolted out again." She said. Y/n took a deep breath.

"Well what you heard was wrong." Tommy said before Y/n could step in.

"Is this true?" She asked looking over to the teacher who nervously shook her head.

"These children are lying." She said, ridiculing Y/n and Tommy.

"That's incorrect to the actual story, you can ask anyone who was there. We didn't do anything." Tommy said. Y/n admired his courage as Tommy finally stood up for himself.

"You took my hearing aid, and after I confronted you about it, you refused to give it back. So I simply left, then Y/n came back to get my hearing aid again." Tommy said. The principal gave a death glare at the English teacher, who was nervously shaking in rage.

"How dare you two-"

"Enough!" The principal said. She turned over to her and back to the kids.

"You're fired." She said, leaving both Tommy and Y/n there astonished.

"But ma-"

"Leave." She said pointing to the door. The teacher nodded angrily and walked out, glaring at both Tommy and Y/n.

"Sorry about that, I was looking for a reason to fire her. You two may leave, but please do not cause anymore trouble." She said, Y/n nodded and sat up, pulling Tommy up with her.

"Thank you." They said before walking out. They saw the teacher glaring at them as they both made it down the halls.

They both walked out the school and sat down sweating.

"Holy shit." Y/n said sitting down on the steps of the school.

"Holy shit indeed." Tommy said laughing. Y/n sat up with Tommy and they both made their way to Tom's house.

"Can't believe we actually got her fired though." Y/n said laughing, Tommy nodded.

"I thought we were dead, right there and then." Tommy said sighing.


They were both cut off as Tommy grabbing her hand and pulled Y/n back. She noticed there was a crosswalk right in front of her, and she would've gotten ran over.

"Oh shit!" She said as Tommy laughed, letting go of her hand. She blushed harder than ever, and tried to laugh it off, but was still covering her face.

"Fuck I'm an idiot." She said laughing. Tommy was laughing his ass off, completely shrugging off the touch of her hand.

Or at least Y/n thought that.

Ok good night. Why do I do these at night 😭😭



Kansas fit this dick in your mouth?

And again much love 

Word count: 1057


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now