21: Midnight Talks

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Ayo guys, I'm back with some stuff for you hope you enjoy I've been working really hard on this storyline so I'm glad people are enjoying so far.


also if you see bolded italics then thats our lovely editor!! just bold is me so a little back and forth convo goes on lol.


The four of them had discussed various other things with Tubbo. But Tubbo was being forced by Ranboo to play Wii sports so he had to leave.

Everyone had grown pretty tired, although Y/n and Tommy were pretty awake despite it being almost 10:00 pm.

(Editors note[E/n]: damn they go to bed early)

(Authors note[A/n]:I mean Ariadnes parents are strict, i bet she has strict sleep time.)

"Should we go to bed? Ariadne seems pretty tired." Y/n asked. Ariadne shook her head, but her point was ruined by her yawning.

"I guess I don't want to ruin the party because I'm tired." Ariadne said. Freddie ruffled her hair making Ariadne laugh.

"Don't worry, I'm tired too. And we still have tomorrow." Freddie insisted her to lay down. She reluctantly layed down on the air mattress.

"I guess this is where we turn in." Y/n said. She wasn't tired but she didn't want to force everyone to stay awake.

"Alright then, I'll go get you guys blankets." Tommy said. Soon he came back with 3 blankets since his bed already had one.

Ariadne slept on the air mattress with Y/n. Since it was fairly big it only made sense. Freddie said Tommy's room smelled and he refused sleeping on the floor, so he slept downstairs on the couch. Lastly Tommy slept in his bed.

Which he was not happy about, as he felt bad for making everyone sleep elsewhere, but they did refuse any hospitality other than sleeping on the floor.


Ariadne had fallen asleep very quickly and Freddie was downstairs knocked out, half on the couch and half on the floor. Tommy was wide awake, he couldn't sleep. And neither could Y/n.

(A/n: I almost put my name in replace of Y/n that would've been bad.)

(E/n: yikes that woulda been bad.)

An hour had passed, not a word spoken from either of them. Until Y/n poked her head up, which caught Tommy off guard.

"Are you awake?" Y/n whispered. Tommy was shaken.

"Oh yeah I am, you scared me." Tommy whispered back. Y/n had gotten up to lay next to Tommy on the bed.

Tommy was blushing, while Y/n went under the covers.
"I can't sleep? Why are you awake?" Y/n said, turning over to face Tommy. Y/n couldn't really make out more than his face due to how dark it was in the room, but all she really needed was his presence.

"I couldn't sleep either, I'm used to being awake so it's ok." Tommy reassured, Y/n sighed and closed her eyes.

"About earlier, I'm sorry for making you wor-" Y/n was cut off by Tommy wrapping his arms around her.

"Stop apologizing, please." Tommy said, holding her in his embrace. Her face of shock slowly went down. Her stomach fluttered, and she felt her heartbeat quicken.

"I- I don't really know what to say." Y/n said, hugging Tommy back. Tighter than she'd ever hugged anyone before.

"You don't have to. Just know I'm here for you, I always will be." Tommy mumbled, closing his eyes.

"Thank you, for everything." Y/n said, Tommy let go. Y/n couldn't see it but Tommy was smiling. A warm comforting smile.

"Can I ask you a question?" Tommy said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" Y/n asked, her stomach still fluttering from Tommys embrace.

"About the kiss, both of them. Where they- did you... ah nevermind-" Tommy said, his voice panicked as he formed the words. He felt his face flush hot red.

"I'm not sure.. I don't even know anymore." Y/n answered. She wasn't lying. She wasn't entirely sure if Tommy was a brother to her or someone she genuinely felt feelings for. She couldn't pick, and neither could Tommy.

"Do you want to try?" Y/n mumbled, her throat felt hoarse. She didn't know why she said that, but she did.

"I- I do." Tommy mumbled back, he too felt something light in him.

"I think I like you." Y/n said. Tommy inhaled sharply.

"I think I do too." Tommy responded. Y/n cupped her hand on Tommy's face, she felt his face go hot. Which made her laugh, she slowly leaned in before planting a soft kiss on his nose.

"Good night then, I'll see you tomorrow." Y/n said getting up. Tommy didn't want her to leave, but he knew if anyone walked in on them they would be questioned, and that's the last thing they wanted.

Y/n layed down back next to Ariadne, and with her luck she fell asleep. Tommy did as well, but he could still feel his heart beat faster and faster.

Soon enough they both fell asleep.


"GOOD MORNING!!!!" Freddie yelled, barging into the room. Ariadne stayed fast asleep while Tommy and Y/n yelped in panic.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!!!!!" Tommy yelled back. Ariadne shifted and slowly sat up.

"Can you guys shut up?" She said yawning. All of them looked at her.

"You really are special Ariadne?" Freddie said, his hand on the bridge of his nose. Everyone laughed and got up from their beds, stretching their arms and yawning.

Well Tommy and Y/n were extremely tired, and they both wished to talk about what happened but they didn't know when would be a good time.

"What time is it?" A tired Y/n asked. Tommy pulled out his phone and yawned.

"It's 10:27, why do I still feel tired?" Tommy said, rubbing his eyes. Freddie raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"Hmm, what were you two doing up last night?" Freddie asked, taunting the both of them.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!" Y/n asked defensively, Ariadne laughed at them.

"You know what I mean." Freddie said. Luckily Tommy's mom walked in.

"I made breakfast!!" She beamed. Everyone quickly got up to go downstairs to have their fair share of the great cooking Mrs. Simons always accomplished.

After a fun breakfast of bickering and laughter they heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Mrs. Simons said, walking over to the door. The person who stood by the doorway was Y/n's stepdad.

"Hello I'm here for Y/n."

Come caca

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count:

Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now