67: Anniversary

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I drew Ranboo, is this the end? Maybe it is. Also just a heads up when this book does end I will be taking a week break to get ahead on the next book. So enjoy these last chapters.

Anyway Enjoy!!!


It was their anniversary. Y/N had something very special planned. So much had changed since they turned 23. They had gotten a nice apartment and had settled in with their own set ups for both of their jobs, which they loved dearly.


Tommy was streaming in his office, happily yelling and screaming curse words that could be heard from upstairs. Y/N came down occasionally to say 'hi' to chat, who absolutely adored Y/N.

(SFEN: And who wouldn't adore Y/N? Because Yin is you, and you are awesome)

Tommy had explained to chat that it was their 6th dating anniversary. Everyone was very thrilled, with occasional jokes that jabbed at them. Those were mostly made by Wilbur and their other friends.

Tommy laughed as he answered questions before setting off the Able Sisters song. He announced his leaving and ended the stream but not without saying goodbye and getting Y/N to wave too.

Tommy spun his chair around to face her. Y/N bent down to his face and kissed him quickly. Y/N kept her hand around his chin.

(SFEN: I feel so bittersweet editing this...I'm assuming this is the last chapter, and goshdang, it was so great to be a part of editing this)

She squished his face and quickly signed, "What did you get me?" She wore sly grin on her face. Tommy smirked and got up.

"You'll just have to see," he said proudly. Y/N laughed and reached into her pocket. She felt what she wanted to give him and turned to him to sign.


"Well then, here's my gift." She pulled out the box from her back pocket and bent down on one knee. She opened the box to show a silver ring placed in the middle of it. Tommy stood there stunned. He reached into his pocket and got down on a knee as well.

I knew Yin would propose cause Ra1n told me but THEY BOTH ARE? Plot twist if I've ever seen him, watch Yin reject him so he has to accept her lol)

"Y/N, would you marry me?" Tommy asked. Y/n put her box down.

"I asked you first," she signed and picked the box up again. Tommy chuckled.

"Of course I would," he said. Y/n nodded with a giant grin. She grabbed his hand and placed the ring on its designated hand.

"And of course I would marry you Tommy,"  Y/N signed. Tommy smiled and placed the ring in her hand. She pulled Tommy up with her as she stood up. She was still holding back laughs.

(SFEN: sorry I'm a bottom, you're proposing, not me)

"I love you," Tommy said happily. Y/n smiled.

"I love you too." She knew he wouldn't hear but Y/N knew he knew exactly what she meant. Tommy leaned in and hugged her body close to his, embracing them into the kiss. Y/N couldn't help but smile. She wrapped her arms around Tommy's neck and kissed him like it was her last day alive.

(SFEN: uhm...that last sentence...uh...RA1N? IS THIS A BAD SIGN? IF THIS IS BAKERY OVER AGAIN I WILL QUIT MY JOB but not really)

(A/n: Heheh L)

Wedding day.

They had announced their engagement and the story online. It was both Y/N and Freddie's idea to propose and get married on the same day. This was their very special day.

"And would you, Tommy, take Y/N as your lawful wedded wife?" The pastor both spoke and signed the words. Tommy nodded.

"I do," he said. The pastor turned to Y/N.

"And do you, Y/L/N, take Thomas Simons to be your lawful wedded husband?" they asked. Y/N smiled.

"I do," she said and signed. Tommy could barely hide his excitement.

(SFEN: great now go make kids I wanna see Tommy Jr)

(A/n: WTF WHY)

"And do you, Freddie, (I don't know his last name) take Ariadne Flores to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked Freddie nodded.

(SFEN: 'Idk his last name' YOU'RE THE AUTHOR LOL
His last name is now Stevens)

"I do," he said, the pastor repeated the words to Ariadne. She nodded happily.

(SFEN: it said 'the protest' at first and I can't see anymore)

"I do." The pastor smiled and opened his arms, signaling to the two couples.

"You may now kiss the brides." Tommy quickly unveiled Y/N and brought her face to a kiss, holding tightly onto her waist and slightly dipping her into his arms. Y/N held on to Tommy as they kissed.

Freddie unveiled Ariadne and kissed her happily. Although it wasn't as eccentric as it Y/N and Tommy was, it was still sweet and meaningful.

That night they went home, as lawfully wedded couples.

(SFEN: took you long enough
Also Z, are we ever gonna make that Ra1n merch?)

(A/n: why please don't make Ra1n merch 💀💀)

Everyone enjoyed the party. All of their friends were invited; Quackity, Karl, Sam, and everyone else that they had all bonded with over the years. They all celebrated this glorious day.

Once they drove home and arrived back at the apartment, Tommy asked to leave for a moment. He came back 20 minutes later with a small cage.

(SFEN: it's to put your future children in)

(A/n: omg why 💀)

"What is this?" she signed. Tommy opened the cage and let out a small golden retriever puppy, who happily waddled out of the cage.

"OH ITS A PUPPY!" Y/N gasped. Tommy laughed as she picked it up and playfully blew on its stomach. Tommy sat down with Y/N and the dog.

"What name?" Y/N signed. Tommy shrugged.

"She's also deaf." Tommy smiled, twiddling with the pup's nose. Y/N happily held the puppy in her hands before turning to Tommy and kissing him quickly.

"Thank you." Y/n smiled and sighed happily. She turned his attention at the puppy, who yawned.

"Oh shit it's 2:48 in the morning, we should sleep," Tommy said. Y/N didn't pay much attention to the statement of time but nodded.

"I name her Mable, we should introduce her to Hazel," Y/N signed. Tommy smiled and nodded.

(SFEN: 'Y/n Saigones', ik this was a typo but can I use it for an OC book or smthn? Seems like a cool name)

"I like that."

(SFEN: this'll sound dumb if this isn't the end, but...holy crap. It's over. This was so fun to edit, thank you Ra1n for picking me that one day when I jokingly said I could edit for you as a joke :)
I got to meet you and Z, which made me happier
And I love seeing all the other editor notes and y'all's comments on sus sentences and funny words, I loved editing this, and here. The last cinnamon roll of this book you'll ever have. Take it, it is yours :))

(A/n: it's not the end lol)


Much love to editor: brigHt_orange_juIce

Word count: 1254


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now