62: Last Day

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77th drawing of Tommy, do I have a problem. No, do I need mental help? Probably but that's besides the point.

Here is stuff. The story might be ending soon so buckle up. Who knows will I kill off tommy? Will I kill of Y/n? 👹👹

Ok enjoy!!


"Wilbur had a special present for you, we spent months on it," Niki told Tommy. Tommy turned off his phone and looked at everyone, confused.

"We all learned sign language," everyone signed, almost together. Y/n gasped. Tommy was stunned.

(SFEN: No freaking way. Hi I'm Orange I'm *age redacted* and I never learned how to read *sign language*)

"You're fucking joking, right? Right?" Tommy asked. He was extremely flattered but at a complete loss for words.

"Nope, we spent months trying to learn," Ariadne signed to him. Tommy put his hand over his mouth.

"Who taught you?" he asked, still stunned. Everybody pointed to Wilbur. Tommy immediately got up to hug Wilbur.

(SFEN: Brother Wilbur? Oh, sorry, sorry, I forgot. He will cry)

Tommy clung onto Wilbur as Wilbur squeezed him back with a brother-like fondness.

(SFEN: oh my I'm a mind reader...or predictable)

(A/n: lmao 💀)

"Thank you Wilbur," Tommy choked out, sniffling. He didn't know how to react. Wilbur smiled.

(SFEN: thank you for making me smile at 03:35, this originally said 'heir o reacte' and I'm living for it /pos)

(A/n: *cries in dyslexic*)

"No problem Tommy," Wilbur signed. Tommy smiled shyly as the others hugged him. Tommy thanked everyone. It was a great day that day, as well as a great way to end it.

It was their last day out and about. Soon they'd have to drop off everyone and go back home

Of course they'd be sad it ended, but they were happy they got to bond and meet everyone. And they'd still see them in the morning, and over discord.

The reminder lightened the mood.

(SFEN: mood rings size small cheap)

Everyone huddled around. A lot of them would have to leave at different times. Freddie and Ariadne were being taken first thing in the morning. Dream, Sapnap, and Ranboo all had a flight at 4:00 am. No one would get to see them in the morning.

Phil, Wilbur, Tubbo, Tommy, and Y/n would all drive back together but would have to drop off Wilbur and Tubbo. That made 2 hours of the trip without them both.

Jack would drive Niki to the airport and drive home in the morning as well.

(SFEN: I just randomly remembered at the beginning of this book I said smthn about Wilbur and Niki with a ';)' cause I didn't know they were uncomfy Somebody hit me)

(A/n: gladly *beats the shit out of you*)

Everyone said their good-byes and hugged each other dearly while the night slowly crept up on them. It was inevitable, but worth it. To have spent so much time together made them feel like family.

As Y/n and Tommy slept in their room for the last night, everybody else chatted around and had their goodbyes. Tubbo and Ranboo cuddled up to each other and hugged each other goodbye, since Tubbo knew he'd have to leave in the morning.

Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now