63: Alone Time

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I love this raccoon, I don't know why or how. But I love him, he looks so polite. I want to give him kithes and hugs. I- man I can't this is such a good boy.

Anyway enjoy!!!

Also Tommy = Swearing Raccoon

Update: printed him out with my new printer, got in trouble. But I also did print out Jack manifold and put him in the butterscotch drawer. But worth it 😩✊✨


"Ill miss the others." Y/n signed, letting go of Tommy's hand to quickly sign. Tommy let out a huff.

"I'll miss them too, still pissed off though." Tommy scoffed. Y/n raised and eyebrows and quickly signed back.

"Why?" Y/n asked, Tommy sighed. Y/n knew exactly where this was going.

"My hearing is a big one, and leaving everyone is already enough to push it. I mean we only get to say bye to Wilbur and Tubbo. And I bet Ariadne and Freddie already left." Tommy grumbled.

Y/n had to agree, everything was pretty shitty this morning. But Y/n didn't want Tommy to be sad.

(F/E/N: no one wants Tommy to be sad, that child deserves the world and more)

"How about we go get boba and then come back before we have to leave? Some alone time? Just me and you?" Y/n signed. Tommy smirked and sat up.

"Gladly, that sounds nice." Tommy said with a dorky smile on his face. Y/n gave Tommy a quick kiss before walking out the room to change.

Once she got back Tommy was dressed in his usual jeans and blue puffer jacket. Y/n looped her arm through Tommy's and walked out the door with him.

Y/n hummed as they walked past. Y/n texted Tommy so they could chat. They talked about how much fun their week was, and how much they'd miss everyone.

Y/n was excited to see the vlogs, even though she had been in all of them. She still was excited to see how Tommy edited and cut everything perfectly.

Y/n tapped on Tommy's shoulder as they got to the boba shop. Tommy shoved his phone in his pocket and grabbed her hand.

(F/E/N: I got boba today :D btw today is the 18th for me idk when y'all see this.. I'm from the past!)

She smiled as they both walked towards the shop. They quickly ordered and sat outside with their boba. They shivered, feeling the cold morning breeze of a fresh December.

Y/n's hands were freezing cold. Tommy cupped her hands with his and rubbed them together slightly, warming them up. He huffed into a hole between his thumbs, warming them up quicker.

Y/n blushed as he intertwined his fingers with hers and rested his chin on her head. Y/n hummed the lyrics to Tommy's favorite artist, Khai Dreams.

Tommy smiled. He picked up the melody of the song and began to hum along with her. Y/n smiled and closed her eyes. Letting the cold winter breeze hit her face, she breathed in the chilled air. She was happy, happier than ever.

(F/E/N: us here third-wheeling be like: But yeah, that does sound good)

"Where the fuck are Y/n and Tommy?" Wilbur asked, rummaging around their room. Phil shrugged.

"Here I'll call them." Tubbo offered, picking up his phone. He quickly rang Y/n.

She picked it up confused.

"Hello?" She asked, Tommy turned to see who was calling.

"WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!! WE ARE LEAVING!!!" Tubbo yelled. Y/n gasped and hung up. She had completely forgotten.

"What happened?" Tommy asked. Y/n quickly typed it out for him. He read it and quickly grabbed Y/n by the hand.

Tommy and Y/n bolted across the street, with their bobas in their hand. They rushed towards the building.

Once they finally made it, gasping and panting, they clawed at the door, waiting for someone to open it.

They heard a honk and quickly turned to see Tubbo getting in the car. They ran over and hopped in the back seat, still trying to catch their breath.

"Welcome back." Phil chuckled. Y/n put down her boba on the floor and quickly buckled.

"You guys are lucky we didn't just leave." Wilbur scoffed. Y/n flipped him off.

After a while Y/n had finished her boba and stretched out her legs, looking around to see what everyone else was doing.

She looked at both Tubbo and Tommy. Tommy was on his phone while Tubbo quietly played on his switch.

Y/n stretched out the seat belt and rested her head in Tommy's lap. Although he was surprised, he adjusted quickly and went back to his phone.

Y/n tapped Tubbo with her foot. Tubbo groaned as she rested her legs on his lap.

"Not fair." Tubbo pouted. Y/n smiled and stuck her tongue out at him. Tubbo did the same.

Y/n noticed Tommy was not paying much attention to her, so she lightly pushed his phone down. Tommy looked at Y/n and gave her a warm smile.

Y/n wasn't expecting this and her face blushed bright red, smiling back. Tommy bent over and quickly kissed Y/n, before going back on his phone.

Y/n happily put in her headphones and hummed the lyrics of a song.

Tommy started coughing and his eyes widened. Y/n, confused, looked up. Tommy pointed the phone to her, and her eye widened.



(A/n: L)
Poop cock

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count: 951


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now