13: Boba

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I went to the mall with my favorite aunt and we went into spenders, and this is the hat me and her found. We couldn't stop laughing, this hat will forever be missed.

Anyway hope you enjoy!!

Y/n whipped her head around to see a girl meekly standing behind her.

"Oh yeah I am." Y/n said facing the girl.

"Oh I just, I have you in my science class and wanted to exchange numbers." She said shyly, Y/n nodded.

"Sure, here what is yours?" Y/n asked pulling out her phone.

"Oh it's ***-***-****." She said, y/n typed in the number and sent a quick 'hello' in the messages.

"What's your name?" Y/n asked.

"Oh, I'm Ariadne. It's Greek." She said, y/n typed it in.

"Do you know- oh wow you typed it right." She said, y/n smiled.

"Yeah Greek gods are my thing." Y/n said chuckling, Ariadne smiled nervously.

"Well I'll catch you after class." She said, y/n nodded and waved goodbye as she walked away.

"Who was that?" Asked Tommy, y/n shrugged.

"Don't know. She seemed nice." Y/n said. The three of them started talking until the bell rang.

3 weeks later

The four of them had grown quite close. Mostly sleeping over at Tommy's house, while Y/n tried her best to keep her parents out of her school life.

She had talked to a lot if Tommy's friends, a very sweet boy named Tubbo, along with Wilbur, Phil, A minecraft player named Technoblade, and dream. As well as a color blind guy named George.

That was until one day, it was a Saturday. Y/n was hanging around with Tommy and Freddie. As usual.

They were on their phones usually texting Ariadne since she lived too far to hang over most of the time.

Y/n was perched up against the bed sitting next to Tommy while Freddie was sitting on the floor.

The four of them were texting in the group chat.

"Shit" Freddie scoffed, the other two turned their attention to him.

"What?" Y/n asked concerned, Freddie slowly got up.

"My mom wants me home. I'll see if I can hang out tomorrow." Freddie said sitting up, the rest of us sighed in protest.

"Dammit, you never get to hang out." Tommy pouted, Freddie sighed.

"I know but I'll be here tomorrow!!" Freddie said waving bye as he walked out the door.

"Then there were two, plus Ariadne." Y/n said pointing to her phone.

"What do you want to do then?" Tommy asked, y/n shrugged.

"Boba?" Y/n asked, Tommy raised a confused eyebrow.

"What the fuck is boba?" He asked, y/n choked on her saliva.

"You fucking don't know what boba is?" She asked, Tommy shook his head confused. He was fiddling with her hair, while texting Freddie.

"What is it?" Tommy asked putting down his phone on his lap.

"That's it I'm buying we are going to get boba." Y/n said standing up grabbing Tommy's arm, she dragged him downstairs where Mr. Simons was at. Or Sarah to Y/n.

"Me and Tommy are going to get some snacks, we'll be right back!!" Y/n said waving at Tommy's mom.

"Oh ok!! Stay safe!!" She yelled right before the door slammed behind them.

"Well they grow up fast." Tommy's mom said, his dad laughed.

"I bet they'll get together by next week." Tommy's dad betted. Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on now, they need much longer than that." She protested, Tommy's dad took out five bucks.

"I'll bet on it then." He said, Sarah chuckled.

"Deal." She said.

Y/n and Tommy bolted down the streets to the nearest boba shop that she regularly went to.

And in matter of no time they made it.

It was a small cafe-ish style, with plants and painted characters from different characters form iconic TV shows.

Y/n dragged Tommy over to the menu.

"What do you like?" She asked, Tommy shrugged.

"Do you like bitter or sweet?" Y/n asked dumbing it done. Tommy hesitated.

"I guess sweet." Tommy said which eliminated most of the drinks on the menu.

"Do you just want to get what I'm getting?" Y/n asked giving up. Tommy nodded.

"Sure what are you going to get?" He asked, y/n pointed to the menu.

"Matcha Green Tea Smoothie W/ Boba." Y/n said quoting the menu. Tommy nodded.

"Sure there's a first for everything." Y/n said.

After their drinks came in they sat on one of the tables which was plastered with stickers of different cartoon characters.

Which varied from Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and a bunch of anime characters that Y/n didn't entirely know by name.

"Wow this is good." Tommy said taking a quick sip. But he was taken aback.

"What are the black things?" He asked pointing at the cup, y/n chuckled.

"That's the boba, you chew it." She said taking a sip of hers.

"Why have I never heard of this?" Tommy's asked holding his cup. Y/n laughed.

"No idea, but you've been missing out." Y/n said laughing.

"Wait I'll be right back just need to throw this in the bin." She said holding up their trash. Tommy nodded and sat there waiting for her.

As y/n made her way to the trash can, which was outside of the shop. She felt a hand grip her arm. He looked at the person to see Adrianna.

"Oh it's you again." Y/n said throwing away her trash and faced Adrianna.

"You're hanging out with your freak of a boyfriend again aren't you?" She asked, Y/n rolled her eyes.

"We aren't dating for the last time. I'm not like you who dates every boy you see." Y/n scoffed, Adrianna grunted angrily.

"You think you're funny?" She asked gripping Y/n's arm.

"I do." Y/n said smiling. Adrianna seemed pissed and raised her hand to smack Y/n.

Y/n didn't even flinch when she hit her.

But luckily Tommy walked out.

"Hey I just wanted to- Y/n?" Tommy asked with a dirty napkin and his drink with him.

"Oh it's you."

My aunts who are lesbians came over!!! They are great!! Anyway here is content. Good bye.

All I need is lemon demon, women, and Tommyinnit.

Much love to editor @notreallythoughbro

Word count: 1075


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now