47: Makeup

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MORE CHAPTERS AWOOGA, anyway here is content. And I know this is late but thank you guys for 1k+ followers! :D

And pog I have 4 recitals coming up this fall :')

Anyways enjoy!!


"Sure, what?" Tommy asked, turning to her. She looked like she was stirring up something.

"Niki, did you bring your makeup?" Y/n asked, Niki gasped and nodded.

"I brought mine too." Ariadne said, and all the guys panicked.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MAKEUP???!!" Tommy asked. Y/n had a sly grin and winked at Niki. She got up and went to her room.

"You guys let us do your makeup. i.e., eyeliner, contour, and blush. Only those three, and then we'll be happy." Y/n concluded, Ariadne nodded.

"Ay, I'm up for it!" Freddie said, Ariadne happily got up to get her makeup.

Tommy refused but Y/n insisted, to which he caved in. Wilbur and Phil decided to just watch along with Ranboo who couldn't really participate.

Niki was in charge of Jack and Tubbo. Ariadne was in charge of Freddie and Sapnap, and lastly, Y/n was doing Tommy and Dream.

George refused and everyone agreed to him having an already perfect face.

"What the fuck is this?" Tommy asked, picking up the eyeliner, Y/n smirked.

"Your worst enemy." Y/n said. Tommy nervously put it down.

"Whooooo, make over time!!" Dream cheered, clapping his hands in excitement. Niki chuckled as she opened up some of the makeup.

"Oh it's not that much, just eyeliner, and blush. Those are the only things that will come out a lot." Ariadne said, Freddie was excited as well.

"Are you going to make me look pretty?" Freddie asked happily, Ariadne nodded.

"I can't make pretty prettier, but I'll try." she said. The chat aww-ed as Tommy pretended to gag. Y/n smacked the back of his head.

"OW, SORRY." Tommy said, rubbing his head. Y/n rolled her eyes and got to work.

"So, first I'll do contour." Niki said. Y/n nodded and got to work. Ranboo was laughing as Tubbo giggled as the brush tickled his face.

"Tubbo, stop moving." Ranboo said as Tubbo laughed.

"It tickles!!" He said. Niki chuckled and kept going to work.

After the contour was done, the guys looked very stunning. They decided to do blush next. Some of them didn't have much contour.

(A/n: why? Because baby face.)

"I'm going to do the e-girl blush." Y/n chuckled as she patted the brush on the pallet and onto Dream's face. Tommy was not enjoying it at all, but Dream was excited for the make over.

(E/n: i feel like if i looked hard enough i could find e-girl dream fanart, and i probably will when i'm done here tbh😔)

(A/n: I looked it up, I'll never be the same)

"Why did we agree to this again?" Sapnap asked, Y/n rolled her eyes.

"I look fucking stunning." Jack said as Niki placed the blush.

"Glad you like it." She said placing some more, and Jack marveled at how good it looked.

"Why didn't I get this con-tour?" Tommy asked, reading the label.

"Because you have a baby face, and it doesn't need shaping." Y/n said, Tommy blushed.

Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now