Chapter 13

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Emma's outfit^^^

Niall's POV

"You look great," I whispered into Emma's ear as we stepped off the dance floor. I wrapped one arm around her waist.

"You've told me nine times," she giggled.

We took two seats on a couch in whoever's living room this was. I knew I'd said it over and over, but Emma really did look good. Not that she didn't always; but tonight she looked stunning.

Her dress fit her perfectly, but it earned her lots of attention from other guys, which I did NOT appreciate.

Speaking of other guys, there was a guy, obviously hammered, heading right toward us with his eyes locked on Emma.

I straightened up, but me being all of 5'7" didn't exactly help me look tough. Especially when your girlfriend looks taller than you due to her sky high heels.

"Hey baby," he slurred.

"I'm taken, so fuck off," Emma not-so-politely said with a smile.

"Yeah, by me, so I suggest you leave," I added, struggling to make myself not look like a cuddly baby penguin, and it also didn't help that I was trying not to grin about what Emma just said. She said she was taken.. by me!!

"Aw this bum couldn't do anything for a pretty girl like you," he said.

Emma started to speak, but I stood up before she could, slightly shoving the guy, despite the 4 inches, 50 pounds, and 4-8 years he had on me.

"Leave her alone!" I threatened.

"Or what?" He teased.

"Or you'll have to deal with all of us," Luke's voice retorted as he appeared from nowhere, with Harry, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Calum, Ashton, and Michael (when did they get here?) behind him.

"Luke do-"

"Shut up, Emma. If this piece of trash wants to mess with you, he gets to mess with me first."

"You looking for a fight, young man?" The drunk asked, stepping forward as a few of his friends stepped up behind him.

"No, but if you don't back off my little sister I'm gonna go apeshit on your drunk ass," Luke answered calmly.

Before anyone could say anything, the wasted bastard swung, but Luke quickly blocked him and threw a sharp right hook that hit him square in the jaw. He crumpled to the ground with a scream, and his friends simply gawked at Luke, who was easily the tallest, and now most feared, guy here.

"Get out of here, and find a new friend while you're at it, I think I broke this one," he told them.

"Damn it, Luke, we all wanted to beat the shit out of them," Calum pouted.

"Yeah," Louis agreed.

The rest of the guys nodded as Luke shrugged his shoulders before they left, probably to go find their girlfriends.

"Lukeyyyyy," Emma whined.

"He's trash, Emma, leave it," Luke said.

"And don't be scared of that punk, Niall, he's all talk." He said to me before going back to his friends.

"Emma, do you wanna go outside?" I asked, holding out my hand.


She grabbed my hand and we pushed through the crowd until we found a door that lead outside.

Once we were in the cool night air, Emma took her shoes off and sat down on a lawn chair.

I sat in the one next to her. She looked at me, and I expected her to be embarrassed, or angry, but she looked like she was having the time of her life, probably because she was breaking the rules.

Normally when you thought of Emma Hemmings, the straight A student, you pictured a perfect child. She did sports, was incredibly smart, gorgeous, and was probably the nicest person in the school.

But that was only one side of her. She'd never had a boyfriend, just countless flings where they made out behind the school and went to parties together, which, technically was because of me, but that's not the point. It was no secret she often had alcohol when she went out, and sometimes she would be out until 4:00 a.m.

This whole "good girl" cover of hers was going away, fast, and I couldn't exactly say I didn't like it.

"Hey Niall?"


"You're staring again."

"I know," I said with a cheesy smile, "It's because there's a total hottie in front of me."

"Well, would you like a kiss from that hottie?" She asked, very flirtatiously.

"Hell yeah!"

"You're gonna have to catch me first!"

She stood up from her chair and ran across the enormous grass lawn, squealing with delight as her bare feet hit the wet grass.

"You little shit," I muttered, before getting up and chasing her.

She made a sharp left turn when she reached a certain point, and ran straight into an enormous crowd gathered around a pool.

I pushed my way through the sea of people, but didn't see her anywhere. I wasn't worried that she'd get hurt or anything; Emma's a smart girl, but I wanted to catch her! Yeah, no, I wanted to kiss her, that was it.

When I saw her gold dress, I ran straight to her. Since she was facing away from me, talking to someone, I wrapped my arms around her waist and whispered, "Caught you."

I rested my head on her shoulder as she continued to talk to some girl. Ashley, I think it was.

"So your brother's in a band?" She asked Emma.

"Yeah, they're really good actually!"

"Good-looking you mean," the girl said under her breath, staring into the distance, where I assumed Luke, Calum, Ashton, and Michael were.

I don't think we were supposed to, but Emma and I both heard.

"Yeah, he's taken, bye now!"

We walked away from the girl and I said, "Hoes, hoes everywhere," getting a laugh from Emma.

We hung around at the party for a few more hours before everyone decided we should leave.

We all squeezed into the Jeep, plus the three other members of 5sos.

"So Emma," Luke called from the front seat, "What happened to my innocent little good girl sister that always listened to Mommy and Daddy?"

She shrugged her shoulders before yelling back, "Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught!"



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