Chapter 10

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Niall's POV

"Niall, niall, wake up. GET UP GODDAMNIT."

My eyes shot open to see Luke standing over me.

"Finally," he muttered.

He walked over to his bed and sat down.

"You can borrow some of my clothes, and Emma's making a ton of microwave pancakes."

I sat up and stretched, before I realized that I had school.

"Shiiiiiiiit," I muttered.

I forced myself to stand up.

"Um, I think your clothes are a little too big," I said, holding up one of Luke's shirts that looked like a dress on me.

He looked up from his phone and laughed.

"Yeah, don't you live like five blocks from here though?"

I nodded.

"I'll just drive to my house and grab some clothes. After I get some pancakes," I added as the smell of maple syrup came through the room.

"Okay," Luke answered, burying himself back in his phone.

Before I realized it, I was standing next to Emma as she pulled a plate with at least a dozen pancakes on it out of the microwave.

"My sister already left with her friend for dance practice, my mom and dad are at work, and Luke's most likely going to eat Poptarts for breakfast, so we get to share that," she informed me, pointing to the counter, where three more plates piled high with pancakes stood.

"Jesus Christ, that's beautiful," I stated, feeling myself walk towards the pancakes.

"Help yourself!" Emma chirped, putting three pancakes on her plate, "but eat fast, it's 7:10."

She handed me a plate and fork, and I greedily took some pancakes before following her to the kitchen table and taking a seat next to her.

In twenty minutes, we managed to go through all four plates of pancakes and an entire bottle of syrup.

Emma checked the time on her phone before cursing under her breath.

"It's seven thirty Ni! You gotta go!"

My eyes widened when I realized how late it was. I started to go outside where my car was waiting, but I stopped in the doorway.

I turned around and scratched the back of my neck, one of my nervous habits.

"Do you want a ride?" I asked Emma, who was about to go upstairs.

"Sure," she grinned and grabbed her purse off of the table.

"Let's go."

As I raced down the street to my house, Emma cranked up the stereo and was currently singing along to Blank Space by Taylor Swift.

I looked at her, being all gorgeous and silly in the passenger seat of my car, and thought about how lucky I was that someone like her would actually be interested in me, or at least say it.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the song ended and Emma looked at me, blushing.

"Eyes on the road," she said quietly.

I smirked before drawing my attention back to the road. Before too long, we were pulling into my driveway.

I shot out of the car, Emma not far behind, and raced upstairs. I yanked a t-shirt and some jeans out of my dresser and ran into the bathroom, where I changed, brushed my teeth, and ran a comb through my hair.

Good Girls Are Bad Girls (Niall Horan AU)Where stories live. Discover now