Chapter 6

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Emma's POV

The school bell rang, and I gathered my books and quickly left the classroom. I walked down the hall, hoping to catch a glimpse of Niall leaving English, but when I passed the room, he was nowhere to be seen.

The lockdown drill had ended about an hour ago, leaving us just enough time to go to our last class.

I continued outside to where Bec and I usually meet, but she wasn't there yet either.

Okay, everybody's just ditching me today. Woohoo.

I started home, just before hearing a voice behind me.

"Emma wait up!!"

I turned around to see Rebecca running towards me, a grinning Harry watching her.

She caught up to me and Harry continued in the other direction.

She glanced back at him and bit her lip, trying to keep a smile from taking over her face.

"What was that all about?" I asked in a sing-song voice as we started the walk to my house.

"Oh nothing.." she replied.

I said nothing back, knowing the silence would drive her insane.

"ME AND HARRY TALKED ALL LAST PERIOD AND I THINK I LIKE HIM AND-" she slapped her hand over her mouth, realizing what she just revealed.

"Oh my gosh Becca!! Y'all are gonna be so cute together!"

"Stop, Emmm.. He doesn't even like me back! And besides, we're not the ones who made out in a closet."

I blushed feircely and stared at the ground, wondering how she knew about that, and when I looked back up, a satisfied smirk was planted on her face.

"We didn't make out." Was my clever reply.

" Oh really?" She questioned. "Then why were your cheeks and ears red when you walked out of the closet and why was there lip gloss on Niall's lips, and why was your lip gloss smudged, and why-"

I cut her off, "Fiiiiine. We did kiss, but we did NOT make out."

I continued on when I saw her start to get overly excited and make her OMG-IM-ABOUT-TO-SQUEAL face.


"Fine. But just so you know, if you slit my throat then I won't be able to have children."

"Whatever. Bye hoe." I said when we reached my house.

"See ya bitch."

Rebecca continued a block down the street to her house and waved back at me so I knew she made it home okay.

It may seem weird, but this is what we did every day. I honestly don't know what I would do without the pain in my butt that is my best friend, Rebecca Ann Knight. She's the type of person that's always making jokes and can find some good in any person she meets. However, when that person chooses to let the bad shine through, she doesn't take shit from them. She would put anyone but God himself right back in their place the second they got a little full of themselves. This is mainly because she's also a very religious person. None of her family really believed in church, so she grew up without a good foundation to lay her religious views on, that is, until the wreck.

When Becca was twelve, she was driving her go-cart down our road as fast as it could go when she lost control. The steering wheel spun out of her hands, her small, fragile body not strong enough to regain control of the vehicle. She mustered up all the energy in her being to unbuckle her seatbelt so she could jump out, but it was stuck fast. She was heading straight towards a brick wall and, knowing there was nothing else for her to do, she made the sign of the cross and prayed for the first time EVER, in her life.

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