Chapter 6- hollowed out ass cheek

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We started to walk back to the other car where the kids were, but stopped when we heard singing. THEY WERE SINGING THE CAPITALIST ANTHEM ????!!?!?!?1?!?!?!?!?1?!?!?!?!

"How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I'm just doing what comes naturally.
How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I'm just following my destiny.
How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I'm just doing what comes naturally.
How ba-a-a-ad can I be? How bad can I possibly be?"

TT started to blush, probably because the onceler sings the original and the onceler is extremely hot.

Once they stopped singing, TT, Billy, Andy, and I joined the kids as we rolled onto the island.

Just then, a sharp pain erupted from my stomach. It felt like I had swallowed razor blades with poison piss. I collapsed onto the sexy seat.

"Hey, (Y/N), what's wrong?" Andy asked, rushing to my aid.

"My stomach" I muttered "The pain is starting to go away but it's still really fucking annoying"

Andy sat next to me while TT giggled from her seat "I know why"

Andy scoffed "Well then tell us, emo hater"

She smirked "You'll learn soon"

Andy sat me up "Here, focus on the city"

The city was really ugly. It was only bricks. So fucking ugly.

"There should be elves" Billy said, sitting next to dickless Frankie.

"Yeah, where are the elves?" TT asked.

"They gathered in the city square because my daddy, Santa, is going to give the first gift of Christmas. He will choose one of you"

Tom's eyes locked with mine as he slurped Frank's dick handcuffs like it was a noodle.


I looked outside to see some hideous looking creatures that all looked exactly the same. They were marching toward the city square.

"Is your pain better now?" Andy asked.

I nodded "Yes. Thanks for asking. You're so kind. Is there anything else that's kind about you?"

He shrugged "I'm a wingman. I've helped my friends get together and some of them have gotten pregnant"

I gasped "Really?"

"Yes! I can get you with whoever you would like"

I was about to ask if he could get me together with the train, but then I thought that I should get with the train myself.

"No thanks, I'm good"

"Ok, just tell me if you need anything"

I smiled at him as the train came to a complete stop, signaling us to get off. I would get to see my baby from the outside.

As we started to walk, Andy laughed.

"You like the train, right?"

I nodded "Yeah. How can I not? It's the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. When she rolled up into my neighborhood, I got tingles"

Andy chuckled and glanced at Billy "I know the feeling"

We all hopped off the train.

"(Y/N) you're so beautiful, just like your singing voice"

I whipped my head around to see who said that, but it didn't match with any of the other kids voices. It sounded like the same insecure man I heard before.

"Alright, two columns if you please" Tom announced "high body count in the front, virgins in the back. Left column is for people who people who love Fall Out Boy and the right is for people with no taste in music, like people who listen to Dixie Dameliolaioooio"

My mom would make me listen to Dick see Damileioo frequently when I wasn't listening to my usual BTS, Mr.Bungle, Lana Del Ray, and Weezer, so I had to go to the right.

Tom felt bad that I had to go to the right, so he switched it up.

"The right is for people who enjoy MGK"

Everybody walked over to the left, except for Frankie and Tom. I only heard MGK's cover of Misery Business by Paramore because I asked my mom if I could listen to Paramore and instead she put on that shit. It was so bad. Like one of the worst songs I've ever heard in my entire life.

I gave Titties a mean stare "I thought you didn't like Fall Out Boy because you don't like emos"

"Literally half of their discography isn't emo shut the fuck up or shut the fuck down like a robot you son of a bitch"

"Ok but they're still put into the emo category"

Tits scoffed "Shut down like a robot ass pussy crap my favorite song is Centuries"

Andy growled "Poser"

They started to bark and growl at each other when I looked back at my baby. Billy was still inside of my baby.

"Tom!" I called, making him rush over

"Yes new emo highness?"

"What about Billy?"

"Not everyone is required to see Santa" Tom answered, then walked away.

I slapped Andy and Tits "Come on, let's get Billy"

They stopped growling and followed me onto my baby.

"BILLY COME SEE SANTA" Tits yelled "You need it"

Andy nodded "She's right"

Billy shook his head "Christmas has never worked out for me. It never has"

Billy was right. It never worked out for him. When we were five his parents decided to slice off one of his butt cheeks and hollow it out. Then they stuffed crack in it. Every Christmas they stuff another bag of crack in his hole, the sew it back up.

"We'll be going together" Tits said.

"Christmas has just never worked out for me" Billy repeated himself.

Andy knelt down in front of Billy and cupped his face.

"Listen, I don't know your story and why Christmas doesn't work out for you, but at least this once I'll do my best to make it work for you"

Billy blushed and leaned down to kiss his cheek.

One time my mom kissed my cheek as a punishment for something I did. She wore this gag ball that had a bunch of spikes on it so it stabbed my face. Billy had to perform plastic surgery on me.

Then, the car started to shake. I looked around and noticed we were going backwards?!?!?!?!?!!?

"OH NO THE CAR GOT UNHOOKED OH NO!!?!?!?!!!???///!?!!"

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