Chapter 8- young sexy hotness

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A man laid in front of me. It was Michael Cera.

"MICHAEL CERA?1/1?1!!!>>1!.!!?" We all yelled

"I'm the gift" Michael said "I have a purpose"

"What's your purpose?" I asked.

"I am the train. I possessed the train" Michael put his hands on my hips "I am the Polar Express"

I was shocked. Michael was the person I was longing for the whole time.

"B-But you were a train?" I stuttered because I'm (Y/N).

"My spirit possessed the train for some reason while I was in the backrooms"

He pulled out a photo from his pocket and showed me

I ignored the fact that the bag of presents was being lifted into the air and instead focused on the photo

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I ignored the fact that the bag of presents was being lifted into the air and instead focused on the photo.

"Yeah my buddy who died took this photo, but that doesn't matter" he put the photo away "While this was happening, another part of me went into the train. Then I died in the back rooms and respawned in your stomach"

"So are you the one that made The Polar Express have so much sex appeal?" I asked.

He nodded "Yes. I'm the one you connected with. We're meant to be together, my love"

I hugged him because I didn't want to kiss him in front of people. When I let go I looked at Billy and Andy, who were holding hands and looking at the ugly city.

I watched as Andy took his fingers to shift Billy's head to look at him, then kissed him. It was sweet awwwww so cute wow.

Titties sprung to life and looked up at Michael "Michael, you're here"

He nodded "Yeah. I'm here and I don't like you"

"Because I don't like emos? Well guess what, I also don't like grunge people either"

Everybody became silent, even Andy and Billy stopped having doggy style sex to listen.

My mom said that if I ever approached a grunge person then I would get the gag ball shoved up my eye socket. Thankfully she never caught me when I looked at a few of them on the street and overheard the music they were listening to. She never even found out when I met Billy's uncle, Dave Grohl, who was the drummer for a famous grunge band.

Just then, something fell out of the sky. It was a dirty blonde man who was wearing grunge clothes.

"Shut up" he said, then returned to the sky.

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