Chapter 7- smells like teen spirit haha poser what

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The car was uncontrollably rolling down a hill and through tunnels. I just sat in a seat. It was really fun!11!!11!!!!1!!!!11!!1!!1!1!1

Billy walked up to me "So this thing might crash and we will all burn and die. I wanted to tell you that I had a crush on you when we were kids"

"Oh, okay. Anything else?"

"Yeah. I'm the one who killed my brother. You remember that freakishly tall boy that my parents adopted so he could donate his balls to me? He had dirty blonde-"

"Yes Billy, I remember"

Just then, the three of the standing kids stumbled back. They fell on the floor, which was very funny.

"I just tinkled!" Titties announced, which she shouldn't have because Billy has a piss kink.

We stood up then jumped off the train. We were in a weird place. It was all icy with different, small, ice bridges that led to train tunnels. It was terrifying.

"Do you hear that?" Tits asked

"Hear what, emo hater?" Andy sassed.

"Oh well, whatever, never mind
Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido
A denial, a denial, a denial, a denial, a denial
A denial, a denial, a denial, a denial" TT answered


"Poser. Name 3 Nirvana songs poser" Andy the gatekeeper sassed

"Guys, shut the frick up now!!!11!!!!" I yelled "I'm not even allowed to listen to Nirvana, all I know is that the lead singer is Harry Styles and that the drummer is Billy's uncle"

Tits sighed and pointed to a tunnel "we should go down that tunnel"

"Is that where you heard the noise?" Billy asked

She nodded.

Andy started to lead us to the slim little bridge. It was the width of my foot. Absolutely terrifying.

As we started to walk, I looked down. It looked like it was never ending. Maybe this is where elves go to die.

A few times Billy almost slipped, which would have resulted in his death. A few times Ms.Emo Hater almost slipped too, which I would've been fine with.

As we were 3/4 of the way there, the sharp pain in my stomach revealed itself again. I almost fell off the bridge right then and there, but I didn't want to die in the North Pole. And, I wanted to tell the train that I liked them.

After awhile, we reached stable ground and we were running through a mini town with shops. It looked like that one tourist attraction that every state has, but shrunken and less appealing.

We stopped to take in our surroundings and the music that was playing.

What's with these homies dissin' my girl?
Why do they gotta front?
What did we ever do to these guys
That made them so violent?
But you know I'm yours
(Ooh ooh) And I know you're mine
(Ooh ooh) And that's for all of time
Ooh-wee-ooh, I look just like Buddy Holly

Then the record started to skip

Buddy Holly
Buddy Holly
Buddy Holly

Tits peered her head down the small tunnel in front of us "Yes, I hear it"

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