Chapter 2- private parts

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248057 men jumped through the window and onto our chairs. They each poured hot chocolate into our mouths.


"Heyyyy" naked tom said, walking over to me.

I spit the scolding hot chocolate onto his bare 1 inch wonder. He screamed in pain.


"Ticket? I never got a ticket"

Tom rolled his eyes "Check your underwear"

I slipped my hand into my pants and felt some paper resting underneath my private parts like it was a pad. I pulled it out and gave it to Tom. He started hole punching the ticket, making some letters. He handed them to me.

An F and a U sat right next to each other. Tom walked away before I could ask about it.

The girl in her pink nightgown started to get up. Her cheeks were still full of hot chocolate. She got up to go to the other car. She left without saying a word. Tom also followed her.

I turned to the boy next to me "Sooo what's your name"

"Andy Hero Boy Charlie Gay Fire Okay Way Mercury Kawaii Live Through This Chris Iero Frens Friends Trisha Pinterest Swag Justin Riot Grrrl, what about you"

"(Y/N). This night is kinda weird"

"Tell me about it"

"Who's the girl in pink?" I asked

"Oh, she's TT. It stands for Titties Titties. She's kinda weird and has been moaning while looking at me. I don't get what she sees"

I chuckled "She's a horny 13 year old girl. I've been through it, and still going through it. I think it always stays with you"

"Yeah, I guess so. I've been through it"

I looked to where TT sat. She sat right across from us. Her golden ticket laid clean on the seat.

"TT left her ticket" I mentioned

"Wanna take it to her? I'm bored as all hell"

I nodded and stood up "Sure, I'll be right behind you"

Andy smiled at me and went ahead of me, TT's ticket in his hand. He opened the car door.

A cool breeze hit my face. There was no longer those steps I used to get on and off the train, no. It was just a chain holding two cars together. The hot chocolate was probably drugged.

Andy hesitated. He stood there, in fear.

"Are you going to go?" I asked

Just then the ticket blew out of his hand, into the cool night sky. I ran back into our car to see where it was going, but I couldn't find it. I focused on Billy and TT in the other car.

TT was giving Billy a lap dance, fully clothed. She kinda looked like a Sims character. His hands were placed on her boobs. Tom was cheering them on. That's kinda creepy Tom ngl.

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