Chapter 2: Starlight Glimmer.

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Down in the sewers the Mane 7, The Ninja turtles, their human friends, Leatherhead, Slash, Dr. Rockwell, Alopex, and Timber Spruce were down in a nearby area getting it ready for Sonic and his family and friends to sleep there since they're going to be staying there for awhile.

Even though the Mobians aren't part of the Hamato clan the Turtles and their family still invited them to be a part of this important ceremony.

"Man, I can't wait for the engagement ceremony!" Pinkie Pie said all bubbly. Mikey smiled "I know I can't wait to pop the question to you Pinkie." Mikey said as she put his arm around Pinkie's shoulders. Pinkie smiled "Me too my love." and they both kissed.

Donnie too was excited "I can't wait either guys, I remember when we were 16 when Master Splinter told us about this traditional Ceremony for all the Hamato clan members to cement a life-long love." He said.

But soon Leo looked down at the ground sad, you see it has been almost 1 year since Splinter had died because of the Super Shredder. Even though they stopped the horrible feud between the Hamato and Foot clans and found their true loves it was still going to be hard for them to do this wonderful ceremony without Splinter here watching.

"Yeah, but it's going to be hard to do this without Sensei here." Leo said with tears in his eyes. Just then she felt an arm around his shoulders, it was none other than Twilight. He smiled and held her hand that was on one of his shoulders.

"It's okay Leo, Splinter is watching us and I'm sure he's very happy for us as well." She said comforting him. Leo then kissed her "Thanks Twilight. I needed that." He said. Twilight smiled, "You're welcome." And they all went back to work.

Soon they were all finished. They had set up 2 different areas, one for the boys and one for the girls, there were cots for them to sleep on and a makeshift bathroom on each side for them to use.

"Okay now that we're done all of us are going back to our apartment building to get our rooms ready for our families." Applejack said, dusting her hands off.

"Okay we'll see you guys later." Leo said as he and the other mutants went back to their own homes.

As the girls went inside of their apartment building, they were greeted by their families.

Twilight's family included her parents Twilight Velvet and Night Light, her big brother Shining Armor, his wife Dean Cadence, and her baby niece Flurry Heart.

Pinkie Pie's family included her parents Igneous and Cloudy Quartz Pie, and her three sisters Maud, Limestone, and Marble Pie.

Fluttershy's family just had her parent's Mr. and Mrs. Shy. Her brother Zephyr Breeze had left after finding out that Rainbow dash hadn't chosen him to be her husband.

Rarity's family included her younger sister Sweetie Belle and her parents, Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles.

Rainbow Dash's family just had her parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles. But Scootalo, who is like her younger sister, was also with them due to her parents being out of town for the weekend and because she had begged RD to let her come and see this ceremony.

Applejack's family included her maternal grandfather GranPear, her paternal grandmother Granny Smith, her older brother Big Macintosh, his wife Sugar Bell, and their younger sister Apple Bloom.

Sunset Shimmer's family just had parents Stellar Flare and Sunspot. Her younger brother had decided not to be there as he had not forgiven Sunset for abandoning him and their parents.

Timber Spruce's family included his parents Redwood and Lily and his older sister Gloriosa Daisy.

"So good to see y'all." Granny Smith said, hugging her granddaughter.

"Good to see you all too. We were just about to get all your rooms ready, but if you just follow each of your family members we'll get you all settled in." Twilight said, instructing everyone.

Everyone soon made their way to their rooms, but Sunset stopped Twilight for a second to talk to her. "Hey Twilight, can I talk to you about something?" Sunset asked.

"Sure Sunset, what is it?" She asked. "Do you remember Starlight Glimmer?" She asked. "Yes I do, why?" Twilight asked.

Sunset then told her about how Starlight was upset about something that happened in Equestria and she had asked if Starlight could stay with them for a while and witness the ceremony. Twilight smiled and said sure.

Sunset smiled "Okay I've already rented her her own apartment for her to stay in." She said, Twilight smiled, "That's good that way she can be comfortable." Just then Starlight walked into the building carrying a bag with a sad look on her face.

Sunset smiled "Hey Starlight." She said happily.

Starlight looked at Sunset sadly and then looked at the ground and replied "Hey Sunset." In a very sad tone.

Sunset and Twilight looked at her with worry. "Maybe you should take her to her room so she can get settled." Twilight whispered to Sunset. "Good idea." She whispered back.

Sunset then walked up to Starlight, "Come on Starlight let me show you where you'll be staying for a while." Sunset said, leading Starlight to her room. "Thanks Sunset." She said quietly.

Twilight kept looking at Starlight. "I wonder why she's so sad?" She wondered as she went to her apartment to help her own family get settled in.

Soon Sunset and Starlight arrived at Starlight's apartment. "Here you are your temporary home for a while." Sunset said, showing Starlight her room. Starlight didn't even look at her before she said "Thank you." And went inside and sat down on the bed.

Sunset was worried about her friend and went and sat down next to her. "Hey what's wrong?" Sunset asked.

Starlight sighed and said "I tried telling my childhood friend Sunburst that I loved him, but I saw him being romantic with Trixie and  even telling her that he would never want to never be with me because of my horrible past, and it broke my heart." She said and began crying.

Sunset looked at her with sympathy and hugged her. "Oh I'm so sorry Starlight, I can't believe that happened to you." She said angrily.

Starlight just continued to cry as she said "I feel so alone."

Sunsets continued to comfort her as she asked her "Do you know what this ceremony is?" She asked not wanting to hurt Starlight even more.

Starlight looked at her and said "Yeah it's a traditional Hamato clan engagement ceremony." As she wiped away her tears.

Sunset felt bad she didn't want Starlight to attend a ceremony about love when she was upset about not having it. Sunset sighed "You don't have to go to the ceremony if you don't want to. " Sunset told her that she didn't have to attend the ceremony if it made her sad.

Starlight broke the hug and said "No I want to go, maybe seeing the ceremony will make me feel a little bit better." She said as she wiped away the last of her tears with a tissue.

Sunset sighed "Okay it's your decision. Anyway it's getting late and we have to be pretty early tomorrow morning, so I'll let you get some sleep. Goodnight Starlight." Sunset said as she was about to leave the room.

"Good night Sunset." Starlight said as Sunset left the room.

Sunset then closed the door leaving Starlight alone. Starlight sighed, "I hope that maybe being with my friends here will cheer me up after what has happened." She said sadly before putting her pajamas on and going to bed and falling asleep.

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