Chapter 5: Starlight Glimmer's old friend.

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5 hours earlier.....

Back in Equestria, Sunburst was heading to Princess Twilight Sparkle's Castle of Friendship, to ask the Princess of Friendship if she had seen his childhood friend anywhere. You see Sunburst had broken up with Trixie yesterday because she didn't meet his requirements for what he wanted in a wife. Trixie wasn't powerful like Starlight is and Starlight is much more pretty than Trixie. Sunburst wanted to marry her only because of her beauty and the fact that he could have very powerful children through her and he could go down in Equestrian history as one of the most powerful ponies ever.

"I hope Starlight will still accept me after what I did and hopefully she didn't hear what I said about her." he said out loud. "And I just hope she's not in that human world everypony keeps talking about, with my treacherous.... Sister, Sunset Shimmer." he said as he arrived at the castle and opened the door. When he said Sunset's name he said it full of malice as he was still not over what happened with Sunset when she was still in Celestia's school.

As he went through the palace looking for Twilight, he heard Twilight talking with her friends, this world's counterparts of: Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy as well as this world's Spike.

He heard them mention Starlight and decided to eavesdrop on their conversation from behind the door.

" I hope letting Starlight go to New York City in the human world for this special Hamato Clan ceremony will make her feel better after what happened here." Twilight said

"Yeah, I can't believe that that had happened to her." Rainbow Dash said sadly.

"Hamato clan, what is this clan, and what ceremony are they talking about?" Sunburst wondered as he continued to listen in on their conversation.

"Yes, hopefully Sunset and the others will take good care of her in the human world." Twilight said with worry.

Sunburst was shocked to hear this, Starlight is in the human world with his horrible sister. He knew that he had to go there and make things right with her. So he went back to his home in Ponyville and researched how to get to the human world, until he saw a mirror that once belonged to Celestia that could do just that, and he found out from some castle guards that were once in charge of guardian the mirror that it was in Princess Twilight's Castle in her Library, but given that she and her friends weren't too happy with him, he would have to sneak in there to use the mirror at night.

Two hours later when Princess Twilight and her friends were asleep, he went into the Library and went through the mirror. He appeared on the other side of the mirror as a human boy.

Once he had gotten the hang of walking he reached into a bag that he had brought and pulled out a black diamond with a golden chain and a spell book. The gem he had brought is called a magic diamond, which allows unicorns from Equestria to use their magic in any world outside of Equestria regardless of what form they were in.

"Alright I'm here, now to find Starlight, make things right with her, and bring her back to Equestria so she can marry me." he said as he put the necklace on and flipped through his spell book to find a transportation spell to transport him to New York City to exactly where Starlight is.

"Take me to where Starlight Glimmer is." He said and he was immediately transported to a park in New York City. "Well now that I'm here I might as well go find Sta...." he said putting his book away along with the necklace about to go look for Starlight when he heard a couple singing. He looked up and saw a white hedgehog flying in the sky with a girl in his arms. He immediately recognized the girl as Starlight because of her coloring.

"I've found Starlight finally, but who is that porcupine she is with?" he wondered out loud.

He then followed them to an apartment building where the hedgehog placed her down on her balcony and heard them say goodnight to each other and he even caught the hedgehog's name: Silver.

Sunburst then began to think. "Why is Starlight with this porcupine named Silver? Why did she seem so happy to be with him? Could she be in love with him? No she can't be in love with him, I'll just convince her that I'm sorry and that she and I were meant to be. If that doesn't work then there's always plan B." Sunburst said, plotting a way to be with Starlight.

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