Chapter 9: Far Longer Than Forever

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Silver landed in the sea after being sent away and was swept away by the current and passed out. A few hours later he woke up on the coastline of Alaska near a forest. He woke up and rubbed his head "Ow where am I?" he said out loud as he looked around.

He then gasped "Oh the ring where is it?!" he said frantically looking for the ring and found it still clutched tightly in his hand. He sighed with relief and got up and began to look around. "Well hopefully I can find somebody to tell me where I am and how I can get back to New York. Back to Starlight." He said as he began to walk through the forest and find help so he can get back to Starlight, his true love.

Meanwhile in the sewers all of the girl's families, Tails, Karai, Shini, Cream, Vanilla, Cheese, Dr. Rockwell, Amy Jones, and Timber's family were all in the turtle's lair.

The turtles, Sonic, his friends, and the girls told their families to wait here and stay safe.

But Tails, Cream, Apple Bloom, Scootalo, Sweetie Belle and Amy Jones were worried sick about their friends. "Oh I'm so worried about Ms. Starlight and Mr. Silver. Are you worried too Cheese?" Cream said.

"Chao chao." Cheese said looking worried as well. "Yeah Sunburst could already marry her long before the others come and save her." Apple Bloom said nervously.

Tails then got up "Well we can't let that happen, I say we find out where Sunburst is hiding her so we can tell the others where she is as soon as they get back with Silver." Tails said heroically.

"But the others said to stay down here and stay safe." Sweetie Belle said, trying to object to Tails's orders.

"Well what's better: letting something bad happen to Starlight by waiting around like cowards or finding a way for them to save her and disobeying orders like heroes?" Tails asked.

All the other younger kids looked at him and said the second option. Tails smiled "Alright let's go and find Starlight Glimmer." he said and they all snuck out of the sewers.

After about an hour of searching they were ready to give up when they saw a bright light coming from the warehouse that looked almost magical. They all went to the warehouse and looked through the top window.

From there they saw Starlight trapped in a huge clear crystal, then they saw Sunburst coming into the room with a smirk on his face.

He came towards Starlight, who was not happy to see him at all.

"So Starlight, when shall I announce our engagement? Today? Tomorrow? Wednesday?" he said, coming up to the crystal and leaning against it.

Starlight scoffed "Sunburst I wouldn't marry you if you were the last human or pony on Earth!" she said, rejecting his proposal.

Sunburst smiled, "Don't worry I'll make it official with the obligatory ring and all that," he said, trying to persuade her. Starlight became even more angry with him. "The answer is NO!" she shouted trying to get through to him.

Sunburst became angry "No? NO?! Oh I get it you're joking." he said and began to laugh and then he made some laughing magical clones of himself and yelled at them "What's so funny?!" he asked menacingly and they began to shake in fear. Sunburst begins to sing and takes Starlight out of the crystal to dance with her.

Sunburst: Don't make me laugh!

Clones: (Ha ha ha ha!)

Sunburst: Don't make me laugh!

Clones: (Ha ha ha ha!)

Sunburst: My funny friend, don't make me bend in half!

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