part 14-17

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The next day you walk into the hospital and go to watch Arizona perform a surgery. When the surgery finishes you get check on some post OP patients and do some charts. You are sat at the nurses station looking down at your charts and a familiar vanilla smell  wafts across your face you look up to see Arizona stood on the other side of the desk.

Arizona:" hey were you watching my surgery earlier?"

You:" ye i was. why?"

Arizona:" i have another one tomorrow you should scrub in and watch"

You thank her then go meet Jo and link for lunch. You say hi to both of them and tell them that Arizona had invited you to watch a surgery with her. Then you get paged by Arizona so quickly runup to the peds floor to find her. You find her in a patient room so you walk in and she introduces you to the patient that your observing the operation on tomorrow. Then you step out of the room with Arizona and she tells you the plan. 

Arizona:" we have to monitor her closely to make sure none of her babies go into distress"

you tell her you will page her if anything changes then smile at her softly as she walks away from you. About an hour later you are checking on the patients and one of her babies goes into distress you shout down the hall for Dr robbins to be paged seconds later she comes running n and you tell her what happened to the baby. she is rushed into surgery and Arizona does everything she can to keep baby C in but there is nothing she can do she so someone pages the NICU to alert them that there is a 27 week old coming up. She manages to keep the other babies in and as soon as you finish closing up you run to the NICU to check on the baby.

 You look through the window to see Arizona stood over the baby checking its health. You stand looking at her for a few seconds the notice Jo paged you when you look back up to Arizona you see walking out of the room. She asks how long you have been watching you tell her that you have just got there and ask how the baby is. Arizona tells you that the she was strong and healthy for being so early and that she was a fighter. You smile at her then tell her you need to leave because you got paged by Jo. 

You go to the fourth floor nurses station where you were paged to meet Jo but you can't find her. You hear someone whisper your name you turn around to see Jo peering through a crack in the  door to an on call room with a huge grin to her face. you walk over to her and she grabs your arm pulling you into the room.

You:" what"

Jo:"someone is here"

You:" i'm going to need you to elaborate on that"

Jo:" he is here. he is back"

You:" ok i have a gender do you have a name you could tell me that might help"

Jo:" Alex is back. you know my ex-husband Alex"

you:"okay and why are we smiling?"

Jo:" i don't want to cry i need to look perfect when i see him"

You check the time and tell Jo that you have to go to the NICU to check on a baby and she comes with you. When you get to the door you jump in front of the door to stop Jo from seeing inside the room. You tell Jo not to look because Alex is in the NICU and she runs of to the pit.

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