Part 39-42

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It been a few weeks since you asked Arizona to be your girlfriend and you have managed to keep it a secret from everyone. You managed to speak to Link about your dad and he  told you that he was going to be coming to Seattle for Links birthday. 

You wake up in the morning before Arizona and you lay watching her sleep. Still with her eyes closed you says " Your watching me sleep again".  "how can I not?" you sit up kissing her on the cheek. you get up and tell her your going to get in the shower and ask her if she wants to join. she jumps up from the bed and runs to up to you. You go into the bathroom and turn the shower on, stripping of your clothes as you step into the shower. You feel Arizona tracing the tattoos on your back sending shivers down your spine, she leans in resting her chin on your shoulder.

" Princess" ,you turn around as your facing her, "I am so glad to call you mine." she continues. You lean in kissing her till you are interrupted by a knock on the door. " Y/n"  Jo says. You whisper " fuck. what, Jo?!". She asks if your getting a lift to work with her you tell her your fine and will drive yourself then listen for the front door closing. 

" that was close." Arizona laughs. " ye maybe a little to close" you sigh. Arizona looks passed you deep in thought. " baby, what are thinking about?" I ask her. " do you think we need to tell  them?" you agree then both get out of the shower and get ready to go talk to the chief.

When you get to the hospital you go straight up to Bailey's office as soon as you walk in she pulls out a stack of papers from her desk and hands them to you both telling you to sign them. Arizona quickly flicks through the papers and looks confused at Bailey " you knew?" she questions. " of course I knew you are the worst at keeping secrets Robbins" Bailey snaps back you laugh at Arizona's offended face. " that's not true I never told anyone about the time you and Ben had sex in the scrub room" Arizona spits out.   " I don't know why your laughing Adams your know better" Bailey says. You turn pulling Arizona out of the room " lets  go before you get yourself in any more trouble. bye Bailey"

when you leave the room Arizona turns to you " I'm not that bad at keeping secrets am I?" she asks. " baby" you kiss her on the cheek " you are the worst. like really really bad" "ok, ok I get it but you're no better you can read your face like a book" she says ack to you. " well no one knows about us except Bailey. do they" you say. She tells you to meet her in the cafeteria to sign the papers and runs of to do rounds"  you kiss her then run off.

you go to the locker room to put the papers in your bag and get changed into scrubs when Levi walks in "hey y/n, what are those papers for?" he asks. " oh nothing. I have to go I have rounds" you say running off.

At lunch you head to the cafeteria to meet Arizona and sign the papers "I can not wait to be able to kiss you when ever I want" you say staring at Arizona's lips "me either. we just have to tell everyone else first. speaking of". you tear your eyes from her lips to see Link and Amelia walking over. They sit down at the table and Amelia asks about the papers your signing she picks up the paper. "wait don't look... never mind. I guess this is it" you look over to Arizona for help telling them. " these are co-worker relationship document paper things" she says. Amelia looks up from the paper " you two are a thing....ha I told Mer you would get together" she stands up from the table and walks off. Link questions where she is going. " to find Meredith SHE owes ME  50 dollars" she says. " oh my god they bet on us " you say turning to Arizona you both role your eyes. " Well congrats you two but I have patients to check on. oh and Y/n dad is coming into town this weekend" link says standing up and walking off. You turn to Arizona " well that's two people down"

After your shift you and Arizona head back to your house and sit down on the couch. You rest your head on Arizona's lap as she strokes your hair. You hear the door open and Jo walk in " So it is true "  she gasps. You look up at her confused " I'm sorry what". " you two are together" " yes, yes we are." Arizona responds. " oh for fuck sake." she says annoyed. "WHAT?!!" you shout confused about what she just said. " oh sorry not you I'm just out of 100 bucks. Aprils going to be happy" She says moving your legs of of the couch so she can sit down. " April put bets? she knew I was seeing someone" Arizona says turning to Jo. "that little cheat. anyway so when did you two get together?" "this is going to feel longer than the paper work" you whisper into Arizona's ear making you both laugh. " a few weeks ago" Arizona tells her. " oh come on I need more than that give me specifics" Jo begs. " ok we got together on valentines day" you say . you carry on answering Jo's questions almost all night.

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