Part 57-58

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You wake up early and gently release yourself from Arizona's grasp trying not to  wake her then tiptoe into the bathroom fully shutting the door so you don't wake Arizona. You go turn the shower on then lean against the wall, you slide down the wall till your sat on the floor beside it. You pull your knees up to your chest resting your head on your knees trying to control your breathing. You couldn't stop thinking about seeing your dad and you were scared to see him the last time you did you were with him he told you he would see you at Christmas.  You struggle to catch you breath tears rolling down your cheeks so you fail to here the door open.

" It's 3:30 in the... hey are you okay?" she kneels down  besides you lifting your chin up to look her in the eyes, " It's going to be ok just breath, copy my breathing okay? in and out" once you managed to catch your breath she turned off you shower then sits down beside you allowing you to rest your head on her shoulder. You sit there for almost  45 minutes.

" thank you baby" you mumble as she kisses the top of your head, " I love you so much" 

" I love you too Princess." she pulls you in to a hug  " Well I have to check on a couple post ops to check on before  we meet your dad so I am going to go shower" she stands up ans grabs your hands pulling you to your feet, opens the door and gestures for you to leave the bathroom. 

" oh well I thought that was an offer but I can just go down stairs and watch the news, I guess" you tease walking out of the door. Arizona quickly pulls you back into the room spinning you around so your faces are inches apart. "did you need something, babe ?" you smile as Arizona unclasps your bra.

Once Arizona leaves you text your date a time and address for when you meet he replies saying that he can't wait. You spend ages looking through my wardrobe looking for the perfect thing to wear. 

You and Arizona drive to the cafe to meet your dad your nerves have been high all day and when you walk up to the window and see your dad sat at a table you quickly move away from the window your anxiety picking up.

" He's in there. this is really happening. What if he doesn't like me? I haven't seen him in over a decade." You start overthinking it sending your self into a panic attack.

"Woah baby calm down he if going to love you. and If he doesn't then that is his loss" Arizona pulls you into a hug applying pressure to calm you down. when you are calm down she kisses you on the forehead then lets you go. " you ready to go in?" you nod your head planting a kiss on her lips before heading inside.

As you open the door your dad stands up from his seat and embraces you in a hug it was odd at first but them it was comforting. when he lets go you introduce Arizona to your dad as your girlfriend and she puts her hand out to shake it.

" please call me Eric" he says pulling her into a short hug. then siting back down into his seat. "so how did you two meet?" he asks. Arizona explains that you met at the hospital and that she was in Peds and Fetal Medicine. You talk for another half an hour or so when Arizona gets a 911 page to the hospital. 

" I'm sorry It's 911.I have to go. It was nice to meet Mr...Eric." Arizona says before standing up from the table and heading to the hospital. You and your dad stay talking for almost an hour before he has to leave.

a/n: i wrote this quickly so its not very good

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