part 43-53

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TW: there will be mention of selfharm, suicide, rape and abuse 

The next day you are at work running labs and you run into Arizona with a huge smile on her face. " hey, your happy" "yep I am" she leans in and kisses you "I'm allowed to do that now. have you seen April?" she asks " I think she's in the pit I'm heading there now if I see her I'll send her your way"  you walk down to the pit passed the nurses station and Link runs up to you. He puts his hands on your shoulders "ok don't freak out but dads here". "what here? in the hospital here?" you ask he nods his head and slowly move out of your way "oh, hi. I have to go but I will find you in a bit."

you quickly run down to pit and find April "April, Arizona was looking for you. she's on the peds floor." she nods her head then turns to go " oh and tell her to avoid the first floor nurses station please" she puts her thumb up then runs off. 

At the end of your shift Arizona pages you to the first floor nurses station you go up and quickly scan the room to make sure your dad is gone. " hey beautiful" you step closer to her. "so I was thinking how about we sleep at mine tonight. I can't take anymore of Jo's questions" she says pulling you closer. "perfect". "hey why did you tell me to avoid here earlier ?" she asks "my dad was here he got in this morning and link decided to bring him straight to the hospital" you grab hold of Arizona's hand making you both smile and walk to your car.

When you get ack to Arizona's she asks you why you didn't want her to see your dad "it's not that I didn't want you to see him a just I haven't seen him in year I he doesn't know I'm a lesbian and I don't want him to react the same as my mum did" as soon as you say this you know she's going to start asking question "what happened with your mum?" there was that question. "when we moved to England things changed between us and we just argued all the time" she did the usual we can talk about it or I'm always here.

You zone out thinking about your passed and your mum and stepdad. "Y/N, Y/N are you okay?" you wipe a tear from your cheek "yeah I'm fine just think about what to say" then came the you don't have to talk, there is time. " I want to tell you it's just it's scary and I don't want to scare you."  " I'm not going anywhere no matter how scary thing get no matter how messy I will always be there for you" you snuggle into her chest. "I love you" you mumble  "I love you too" you look up at her she kisses you softly "we can talk tomorrow. you've had a long day". " goodnight baby" you don't hear a response so look up to see her sleeping. you brush the hair out of her face and plant a kiss on her cheek.

After a while you can't sleep so gently move her arms from around you and sneak down to the kitchen. About an hour later Alex comes down stairs " what are you doing up?" he asks.  "couldn't sleep. do you want a cuppa?" "do I want a what?" he laughs. "do you want a cup of tea?" you say in a sarcastic tone. " ye sure" you make him a cup of tea and ask what's keeping him up. "Jo and Izzie" he sighs "oh so nothing to complicated then" you laugh. he then asks what's keeping you up. " I'm just thinking" he then asks what about "my mum, England, my dad anything and everything."  "tell me I won't say anything"  you don't really care about Alex so start work vomiting everything your thinking. 

" when we first moved to England everything was normal. we spent the first year of so traveling around going on adventures but then while we were near Manchester she met Steve, my step dad. At first he was amazing he would take us on holidays and spend hundreds on presents. But when my mum wasn't there when she was working or sleeping he was different" you pause and take a deep breath " at first he would put his hand on my thigh or hold my waist as he moves past me. but it only got worst from there he would come into my room and lock the door then he would hold me down by my neck and force himself on me. When I told my mum she told me I was making it up for attention and that he would never do such a thing. our relationship went down hill from then. we stopped talking so i started to put everything into my schoolwork and avoided being in the house. I would climb up on the roof and spend a lot of night up there avoiding Steve or i would stay in the woods and read i carried a hammock around everywhere so i could just go into the woods and relax away from everything and every now and then i would be able to stay at a friends. He started to drink and everything started to get worst he started to hit me and my mum and he would rape me almost every day and still my mum didn't believe me. when i was 14 i went to the hospital because i was.. never" he looks at you wondering what your not saying  "mind but after that i stopped eating and started to harm myself. then it just got worst and i got really dark and twisty so i tried to kill myself but well that obviously didn't work" you laugh but Alex looks at you not impressed "not something to joke about i know anyway when i came out to them and told them i was gay Steve didn't like it and said i just said it because i didn't want him to touch me so he made my mum think that is wasn't ok because he was extremely manipulative so my mum said i can be straight or and i quote ' get the hell out of my house' so as soon as i left high school i moved out. Before i came out to Seattle I got coffee with my mum and she told me she loved me and she was happy for me be then she asked me if i was over my gay stage and we haven't spoken since."

" does anyone know about this?" he asks looking very concerned. " I mean I just told you so?" he looks at you worried " so not even Jo or your brother?". " i just wanted to leave England behind> I don't like thinking about it".  You wipe the tears from your eyes "you should tell them and Arizona and if you need to talk I'm always here if you want to talk at me again " he smiles trying to lighten the mood. " ye sorry about that" " it's fine i get needing to get something off your chest" " speaking of if you hurt Jo again I will gut you like a fish" you narrow  your eyes at her. "and i would not put that passed you" "I'm going to take that as a complement " you laugh " anyway i should sneak back into bed Arizona will be awake soon. You go up stairs and carefully crawl back into bed you rest you head on Arizona's chest and feel her arms tighten around you. Listening to her heat beat you slowly drift of to sleep.

You wake up the next morning to Arizona smothering you with kisses you slowly open your eyes so she stops kissing you " your wake" she smiles. You close your eyes and pretend to be asleep "no I'm still asleep. I think another kiss will wake me up though" you open one eye to see her reaction. she playfully shakes her head and roles her eyes when she looks back at you, you quickly close your eye and she grabs your face in one hand squishing your cheeks and kisses you. she stands you and picks up a breakfast tray and places it on the bed. "I made you some breakfast". "aww thank you" you lean in for a kiss " i have to get to the hospital but i'll see you in a bit" she then kisses you back. "bye baby love you" "i love you too princess"

When you finish your breakfast you take your tray down stairs and bump into Alex "hey your still here?" he says. "ye i start at six Arizona went in early so she made me breakfast" " well I'm about to leave if you want a lift" " ye that would be great just give me 15 minutes" you say running up stairs. when your ready you come back down stairs looking for your shoe " hey Alex have you seen my shoe?" you turn the corner to see him sat on the couch holding it up. You go put it on then head to the hospital. 

When you get to the hospital you are on neuro and are running labs and checking on patients for Amelia. While your stood at the nurses station looking at the charts Arizona come up behind you and puts her hands on  your waist "hi". You quickly turn around" hey i missed you" she giggles "i missed you too princess" she moves her hands down on to your ass as you move your hands on to her waist and pull her in to whisper into her ear " don't tease me Robbins" you get a page "I have to go. I'll see you later" you kiss her before going to find Amelia. 

" Hey, what do you need?" you ask entering the room. "I want you to scrub in with me"  "wait really?" you ask." ye. oh and we are having drinks at Meredith's this weekend. You and Arizona should come" she says "I'll double check with Arizona but i  think she's off so we'll be there"

You go find Jo and Arizona to tell them about the surgery. When you find Jo you tell her your scrubbing in with Amelia on an aneurysm. "on your first day in neuro impressive" she says. "I think being Link's sister might have helped a little. have you seen Arizona?" you respond. She tells you that Arizona was pulled into a surgery. You try to find Arizona but can't so you go to the OR to Scrub in with Amelia.

She asks if you have spoken to your dad yet. "not yet i think we are going for coffee. i have tomorrow off." you explain. " he misses you he talks about you all the time." you look at her confused "he does i have heard so many stories about you when you were younger".  " oh no he didn't, what did he say?" she question reluctantly "he told me about the time you fell of your bike when you were 11" .

"You said 'i hit my head so hard i think i might have a Caucasian' either you were so concussed that you couldn't spell correctly or you actually believed that if you hit your head hard enough that life would just give you a white person you fall down and crack your skull  and life goes here take Steve he is a nice Caucasian male he likes cross word puzzles" she laughs. " okay i was 11. so what else have my dad told you?" you question." that's going to be a secret i need to have something to embarrass you with".  " I'm going to kill you" you laugh. " does he know about me and Arizona" you ask nervously. "he knows your gay but not that you with Arizona" as she says if you let out a sigh  then ask how. she says she's not to sure and it was probably your mum or social media.

When you finish you go down to the pit and bump into April "hey y/n Arizona was looking for you i think she's in the attendings lounge" you thank her for telling you then go to find Arizona. You lean into the attendings lounge and knock on the door making sure Arizona hears you before walking in " hey i heard you were looking for me". " ye i was. do you want to go out tonight?" you agree and ask for more details she says its a surprise. "what do i wear then?" you ask. She pulls out some clothes from her locker and hands them to you. "so i don't get any clues?" you ask "nope meet me down stairs in half an hour."

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