Part 65-66

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i am skipping a bunch out because it would have been way to hard to write and nothing important happens in it.


As soon as you get to the hospital you head up to Chief Bailey's. you take a deep breath knocking on the door, you pause for a second waiting for a response before entering. You walk in and greet Chief Bailey before asking for the weekend off for yourself and Arizona.

" if you both want time off why aren't you both here?" she enquires.

" that would  be because I am surprising Arizona with a weekend get away for our anniversary  ." she promises not to tell anyone one and agree that we can have the time off work. you run off to find Meredith as you are on her service and have to do rounds. once you finish your rounds you are invited to scrub in on an appendectomy. I all goes to plan and you are left to close. You finish and walk out of the scrub room and almost bump into Arizona.

" hello my Love," you lean in and kiss her cheek, " so I was thinking since we both off work  tomorrow we could move some of my things over to your house." she agrees that its a good idea  then steps closer and rests her hands on your waist. You lean in to a deep kiss.

"I love you, but the tiny humans need me. I'll see you at home if not before."   she leans in for one more kiss then turns to walk away. she turns back around narrowing her eyes at you, " are you checking me out?"

"I hate to see you leave but i love to watch you go" you flirt.

" erm..I.. you are lucky that i love you." she playfully roles her eyes.


the next day you go over to your house to start packing, while you are there Arizona is sat in the living room packing up whilst you are in your room packing clothes. As you tape up the last box of clothes Arizona shouts asking who something belonged to. you stand up to go look but before you got to the door you hear Jo come in and give the answer then get changed out of her scrubs so she can help. you stand in the door way leaning your head on the door way staring at Arizona packing the box.

" I love you Baby." you blow her a kiss, she looks up smiling and catches the kiss and presses it against her chest.

" i love you too, princess." she goes back to packing and you retreat back into your room.

You sit down on the floor next to your bed getting ready to pack it all up. You pull a box out from underneath it and take off the lid to reveal a new-born shadow box you quickly wrap it up and shove it into the bottom of the box. You leave the room and grab your coat and put it on receiving a confused look. Quickly thinking of an excuse you tell them you are going to get snacks. You give Arizona a kiss then leave. You drive down the street just enough so you cant be seen from the window then pull over and ring Alex.

Y: hey Alex are you working?

A: no are you okay? do you want to talk?

Y: ye actually I erm well I have a kid

I hear him choking on his drink.

A: you what?

Y; I was 14, It was just after I moved to England. I was packing up to move my things into Arizona's and I saw it under my bed and I don't know if I should tell Arizona. I mean I haven't seen her since I gave her up for adoption and i don't even know her name.

A; Arizona will understand, everyone has a past so just tell her ok. and I miss you.

y; okay I will tell her thank you . talk to you soon 

You head to the shop and pick up a bunch of snacks and drinks before heading back home. When you get back Arizona asks what you got you show her all the chips and Wine you got.

" Oooo wine don't mind if I do." she jumps up opening the bottle and poring herself a glass. You all finish packing up and agree to to watch a movie. You all fall asleep watching it at about one in the morning.

You wake up early move over to the breakfast bar and rest your head in your hands for a while . When Jo comes out of her room asking why your up, You tell her you couldn't sleep.

" you have something on your mind?" she asks.

" ye something like that." a few minutes later Arizona wakes up  and comes into the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee before she leave for work.

Whilst she is working you and Jo move all the boxes over to Arizona's and start to unpack.

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