part 21-26

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You wake you the next morning with a killer hangover. You walk out of your room to see Jo sat on the couch eating pizza "what are you doing?" you ask generally concerned. " well I made pizza last night but then I fell asleep so I'm eating it now" she answers as if it was a stupid question. you walk into the kitchen and take a couple of Tylenol to combat the hangover. "we need to leave in 30 minutes" you say to Jo while walking back into your room. jumping up from the couch she shouts " ahh fuck I'm getting in the shower". You go into your room and get ready while Jo was showering then  go and make yourself a cup on of coffee and sit on the couch drinking it until Jo is ready. Jo drives you to the hospital since your car is still there. 

When you get to the hospital you run into Amelia she tells you that your charger is in her locker and you can go get it when ever you want. You thank and tell her you will get it at lunch then you get paged to the pit.  The Tylenol you took has finally kicked in and you run down to the pit. When you get there Jo is shouting all hands on deck. You quickly get given a patient. You page Meredith then send off some bloodwork. You check her pupils are equal and responsive then suture up the head lac. Meredith walks in "what do we have?".  You respond " twenty seven year old female with abdominal tenderness. I have sent of some blood i should be back soon". she tells you to book an OR then you get given the lab results. " she's pregnant we need to page Robbins"

A few minutes later Arizona comes down you fill her in on the patient and then she is rushed into surgery. The surgery goes well and the baby is ok. While scrubbing out you and Arizona are talking. "good job in there" you complement her. "ye you too. did you speak to Mer last night?" she asks.  "ye I did. do you want to come round for drinks tonight? Jo, Mer and Amelia will be there and I was going to ask April." you ask . "ye that will e fun. I'll ask April if you want?". You agree ad leave the scrub room. As soon as you were out of Arizona's sight you page Amelia, Jo and Mer to a store room. Jo is the first one there and she asks what you need you tell her to wait then Mer walks in and starts talking you tell her to be quiet and wait then Amelia walks in "hello... why is everyone here?"  she question. " okay I have gathered you all here to say there will be drinks at ours tonight. you WILL all be there no if, buts or maybes" you state before leaving the room leaving them all stunned. You spend the rest of your shift  doing sutures and filling out paper work.

latter that night you are getting ready singing when people start to arrive * oh God what if when she sees me I like her and she  knows it what if she opens up  door and I cant close it*  " is that y/n" April asks. "ye sorry ill tell her to stop" jo responds *what happens then if when she holds me my heart is set in motion I'm not prepared for that *  " What's she singing?" Arizona questions. "I don't  know she makes them up on the spot" Jo responds  you walk out of your room still singing * I'm scared of braking open*   you look up and see everyone. " heyyyy.. how long have you been here?" you ask hoping that they haven't heard what you were singing. "not long why did you never tell us you could sing?" Amelia asks . You explain that you don't really sing in front of people then you get the usual 'why not' 'omg your so good' you tell them its a story for another time and you all start drinking.

Later on in the night you are all drunk and April come up with the idea of karaoke. It was obvious that she wanted a reason to sing, everyone agrees that it is a good idea then Jo speaks up "y/n can play her ukulele, I think I saw it in your closet" . "one why would you bring that up, second why were you in my closet and C I haven't played it in over a year." you say. "she sings and plays the ukulele" Mer says. "ooo, she dances too" jo adds.  you role your punching Jo in the arm, making Arizona laugh. April jumps up and starts singing you stay on the couch watching every one sing about an hour later Mer comes and sits down next to you asking if you were okay. you tell her you were just tired and were going to head bed. Mer and Amelia then start to head home and so do April and Arizona "bye, ill set you tomorrow at rounds" Arizona says smiling at you, you nod in agreement and say bye to her.

Once everyone has left you go into you room and change into an oversized top and start singing and playing your ukulele. *there was a time when I was alone with no where to go and no place to call home my only friend was the man in the moon and even sometimes he would go away soon*  you are interrupted by a knock at the door jo walks in asking if you were okay because she would sing you that song when you were sad. "ye I just miss my mum its hard with the time difference" you explain. "ok well try again soon, goodnight" she says leaving the room.

the next morning you get up and go to work as normal. you go up to the peds floor and bump into Arizona "hey" you say . "hi, I had fun last night" she responds. "ye same, actually I was wondering if you want to erm maybe get drinks with me sometime?" you ask nervously. " ye i would love to how about tomorrow?" she says with the same enchanting smile as always. " yep sounds great" a smile spreads across your face and all the nervous have gone as you turn and walk away.

"you really like her don't you?" he laughs once your out of ear shot. " shut it Karev" she says playfully.

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