part 18-20

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As soon as Jo turns the corner you walk into the NICU and ask Arizona how the little fighter was doing. She says she is doing amazing and that she should be out of the NICU in about a month if there are no complications. She then introduces you to Alex " Alex? I have heard a lot about" He looks up at Arizona with a confused look as if to ask if she was talking about him. "oh no it wasn't from me"  You reach out your hand to shake he shakes it " Dr y/n Adams, I'm Links sister" A shocked look spreads across his face "oh". As your leaving you turn to him " I'm looking forward to working with you while your here" Arizona follows you as you leave the room "I'm guessing Jo knows he's here then" you nod your head. "so me and April are going to get drinks tonight and I was wondering if you you would like to join us. you can invite Jo as well" she asks "ye we'll be there" you turn around biting your lip smiling and go to find Jo.

You get paged to the pit. On your way you run passed the attending lounge and see Jo in there you tell her that your going out for drinks as you walk away you peak your head around the corner and tell her that Arizona and April are going to be there then you run off to the pit. As you run you hear Jo shout that she will meet you at the nurses station you put your thumb up to let her know that you heard her. 

Once you get to the pit you find April and start doing sutures. You stay in the pit for most of the day treating superficial wounds. when your shift is coming to an end you go up to the locker room and get changed into a flannel shirt and pair of jeans you have in your locker from when you got called into work while out about a week before.  your hear a voice coming from behind you as your fastening the buttons on your shirt "hey are you ready to go?" you turn around to see Jo in the doorway "ye one second" you grab your bag and walk out of the changing rooms heading to the bar.

As you get to Joes you see Arizona and April stood at a table in the corner. Your eyes fixated on Arizona as you enter, her golden locks flowing in the breeze of a fan place just to the right of her revealing her ocean blue eyes that glisten when the light hits them. As you get to the table you are greeted by the smell of Arizona's vanilla perfume. you are snapped out of the trance when April starts to talk "I'm buying the first round what would you two like?"  you all order your drinks and start to talk about cases at the hospital and somehow end up on the topic of significant others. You stay pretty quiet listening to April talk about who knows because to be honest you were not really listening.  

Suddenly, they all turn to you and ask about your love life "I had a girlfriend in university but we broke up a few months before graduating" as you say it you remember that you never told Jo that you were gay you look up at her making eye contact she smiles at you nodding her head slightly telling you that is was okay. "So have you got your eyes on anyone at the moment y/n" April asks. You pause for a second trying not to look at the gorgeous blonde sat stood across from you "There is someone but she doesn't see as anything more than a co-worker" they all  turn to with there jaws dropped and you know that we fucked up "oh  my god you like someone at the hospital" April squeals" who is it? come on you can tell up" she continues " no I cant tell you you are the worst gossips ever. The entire hospital would know in less than 10 minutes" you respond. " you know she isn't wrong the moment you know anything the next day the day everyone will know" Arizona says still sipping at her first drink. You look up at her smiling back at you. About an hour later you and Jo have had more drinks.

"how we getting home I have no cash for a taxi and we are not driving" you ask Jo "we could walk. oh wait we live miles away" she slurs obviously way more drunk than you. Arizona then offers to give you both a ride home as she only drank one glass. Once you finish your drinks you all head home. In the car you are sat in the front and Jo is sprawled across the back seats. You check the time and see that it is only 9pm "I'm sorry I just remembered I told Mer I would meet her after we got drinks do you mind dropping me off if its on your way" you ask nervously.  "ye of course" she answers with a smile spread across her face. You drop Jo off at home and watch her go in to make sure she doesn't pass out in the front yard. Then head to Meredith's house. When you arrive you thank her again for dropping you off and peck her on the cheek "anytime" she responds. You get out of the car and walk into Mer's waiting behind the door till your hear Arizona's car leave. 

You walk into the living room and fall back onto the couch letting out a sigh. Mer walks in "hello?". You rub your sitting up "sorry I probably should have called" you say. she ensures you that it is okay and asks what you need. Quickly coming up with an excuse " she borrowed my charger at work I just came to get it back" she tells you that she's not in then offers you a lift home. You accept her offer and she starts driving you home. " so why did you get dropped of at mine?" she questions. " I..erm my charger?" you answer unsure of the answer that she wanted. "ok and why would you get it at almost 10 when jo has one?" she says pulling up to your house. In order to avoid the question "i should get in Jo was pretty drunk i need to make sur she made it passed the hallway" you laugh walking away.

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