Chapter 50

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4 days later

Lei been acting distant lately.

It's been pissing me off too.

I don't know but imma find out wtf the problem is.

"We need to talk. Come to my house" I texted her.

"K" Her dry ass replied.

What the fuck ever.

After about 10 15 minutes she came.

She looked really depressed and sad.

"Hey" I moved out the way to let her in.

She didn't speak.

Unt uhh.

"Helloooo you don't hear me talking to you ?" I frowned.

"Hey" she said.

"What's wrong with you" I asked getting closer to her.

"Nothing" She mumbled.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Leilani" I grab her a little forcefully and something falls out her hoodie.

She looked down at it and froze.

I looked at it and picked it up.

A pregnancy test ?

I grew stuck. Like huh ?

It has 2 lines on it.

"You pregnant ?" I ask looking at her.

She was still frozen so I knew the answer.

I teared up.

"By who ?" I asked.

She didn't say nothing.

" BY WHO" I screamed.

She jumped.

"Jera-" She was cutting off by her breaking down.

"Who ?" I asked again.

"Jeraud" She whispered.

I wanted to slap her so bad but I'd never do her how she did me.

I nodded.

"You sick" I looked at her in disgust.

She looked at me as she teared up more

"You nasty. That's yo own cousin and you fucking him ?" I mugged her.

"I didn't know it was him" she cried out.

"So how you know you pregnant by him then ?" I folded my arms.

It took a whole lot of me not to fucking kill this bitch.

"I'm done with you. I will not be with somebody who fucks they own blood. I was wrong for fucking him but me and him not related. You fucked him and let it happen" I yelled at her.

She just sat there crying.

I was angry.

"I'm done. Tell yo mama by yourself, tell yo daddy, yo whole family that you pregnant by yo own cousin. Don't call or text me. I'm through." I put my hands up in surrender.

"Please. I need help" she cried out to me.

"Nah. Get out. Get the fuck out" I pushed her gently to my front door.

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