Tedros x Sophie

448 6 18

Before anyone says something, no, I do not ship this. This wacky idea from the beautiful @rogue_witch, (thx!) Lez go hoomans ÙvÚ (no offence aliens)


Me: Okay, before you start trying to slash me with Excalibur, let me remind you; THIS is the person responsible *scoots rogue_witch to Tedros* Thank you very much. Now the ship,

Hort: Hope it doesn't involve me again-


Hort: .. Ciao, Adios, I'm done! *walks away* 

Tedros: Why.. why me..?

Me: Number one, here's your captive, *points to rouge_witch* number two, Sophie asked for a ship, and a ship she'll get-

Sophie: I MEANT A GOOD ONE. NOT WITH THIS MONKEY!! *points to Tedros*

Hort: That's my girl!

Dot: This is getting awkward...

Tedros: Have I ever told you Agatha and I are inviting you over to Camelot?

Sophie: Wot?! No fwair *chews on cucumbers*


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm sorry okay? I just always like to make Sophie eat cucumbers. Though I admit, I hate them. Sorry not sorry Sophie ;)


Me: Awww, really? That's so kind of you

Tedros: Of course, you'll be getting our best room, the dungeon...

Me: You know what, I'm kinda busy this week actually, haha.. School and everything hah, but thanks for the offer. *silence* ADIOS! *runs for dear life*

Dot: *whispers to Tedros* By the way, I think that means "hi" in Spanish

Hester: You really are an idiot... 

Agatha: *stops me*

Me: AGH! DON'T TURN ME IN!! *crawls in a ball*

Agatha: Just so you know, I never agreed in inviting you over to Camelot so...

Me: Um- okay. But you can repay me for that

Agatha: How?

Me: By tying your insane husband. *hands ropes and scoots Aggie to a mad Teddy* Good luck! *hides behind Sophie*

Tedros: I'LL GET YOU!!

Me: Hah, try me. You wouldn't hurt your princess. Heck, wasn't that a problem in book 6? (spoiler alert) *grins evilly*

Tedros: Ugh, I freakin' hate you.

Kiko: You sound like Chaddick-



AUTHOR'S NOTE 2: Yes, I speak Malay. Judge me and I ask Sophie to rip your limbs.


Sophie: Shouldn't you be asking everyone for their thoughts?

Me: Hmm, true. I nearly forgot. Why am I wasting myself with this blondie. Sophie?

Sophie: This ship is cursed.

Me: I agree, *nods* Hort?

Hort: Leave me.. *curled in a ball rocking himself in a corner*

Me: Huh, Agatha?

Agatha: Can't you see I've got my hands full?! *blocking a steaming Tedros away from me*

Me: Let's see, Hester? Ani? for god's sake, Dot?

Hester: Atrocious

Anadil: Pain

Dot: Cute

Hester: YOU CALL ALL SHIPS CUTE!! *strangles Dot*

Me: Right guys, I'll end it here- DANG IT HESTER NO KILLING YOUR FRIEND! Where was I? Ah yes, if you're looking forward to hearing your ship being told, please go to the book description for instructions. See you again next time, Byeee!

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙶𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙴𝚟𝚒𝚕 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚂𝚃𝚄𝙵𝙵Where stories live. Discover now