Sophie x Cucumber

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Because no one has given me a ship, as I said, I'll include my own. But I do have to give credit because this ship was inspired, but I forgot their name TvT 

Today's question: Which ship did you want to be cannon, but never happened?

PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM AUTHOR: Sorry guys! I've been quite busy with upcoming school projects, so now that it's a school holiday for me, I have more time to do this. Sorry, again. Let us begin UvU


Me: I'm thinking today's the day where no one will interrupt me-!

Sophie: So, what's today's ship?

Me: .. DARN YOU ALL!! And second, you're holding the thing that you're getting shipped with

Sophie: *looks down at what she's carrying* Cucumbers?

Me: Exactly! Now, where's that weasel? He's supposed to be appearing by now and cry...

Hort: *understands what ship it is* Why does everyone come between me and Sophie.. *goes to cry near a corner*

Me: *checking schedule* Oh, yup! Hort's not late *crosses next to 'Hort cries' in schedule*

Tedros: I honestly don't mind this ship. At least cucumbers are not evil or psychotic. Or even has a mind of its own...

Hort: *yells from corner* WASN'T THAT MY JOB?! 

Agatha: I mean, he is correct. Hort's been staying by our side from Book 1, so definitely not evil or psychotic, and he's kinda right about not having a mind of his own

Me: Can you simplify that please? *holds a microphone to Agatha*

Agatha: Doesn't Hort do anything Sophie tells him to? He's practically a mindless crog. 

Me: Mm-hm, mm-hm, great, thanks. When exactly are the insults coming? 

Hester: We're here, We're here...

Me: Lovely! Everyone's right on time! *crosses next to 'Insults' in schedule* 

Dot: Where's Sophie?

Me: Hm? Oh, she's making out with the cucumbers in her shoe closet back in her tower

Tedros: Ah... Erm, Agatha, do you mind talking in private?

Agatha: Uh, sure *follows Teddy to private room* 

Me: Ooh, tea. Ya'll stay right here kay? *follows Tagatha*

~ In the private room ~

Tedros: Are you sure we want to invite Sophie to my birthday bash? She's practically kissing a jar of cucumbers, CUCUMBERS

Agatha: Don't say it like that.. *a bit offended*

Me: *writing in notebook* "Don't say it like that" says Agatha, (Both do not hear)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is gonna get pretty serious from now

Agatha: She's family, and yes. We will invite her, regardless *tries to go out of the room*

Tedros: *grabs Aggie's arm* How is she our family? We're not even related

Agatha: She's my sister!

Tedros: ... What do you mean?

Agatha: Both of us found out in Book 3, we're belated sisters...

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