SGE Reacts To SGE Memes

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Before we start, I'd like to get into a serious topic among the SGE Fandom. 

As we all know, Hophie is finally cannon, but there are other fans out there who are incredibly annoyed at the ending of OTK (One True King)

I've tried googling, searching for any Hophie memes, fan art, or any other source of the ship, but I was most astonished when only a few popped up, considering the ending of OTK. 

I felt most upset that more people disagree with Soman and more Anti-Hophie SGE Fans who require a change in OTK. One of them is Nicphie (Nicola x Sophie) fans. 

First of all, I'd like to comment, that this isn't a bad ship. I think it's good, but I of course wouldn't trade it for Hophie. But now that I dove into this topic, there were a LOT of Anti-Hophie raging in as I've seen in Tumblr, Instagram, and more. 

I understand why they'd be upset, and I don't blame them. But there were also a lot of harsh posts, detailing how much they hate Hophie. It was passionate, and I could see the fire in there, but what I don't understand is: Why do you have to post this here? Yes, every opinion matters, and I'd love to hear it from everyone, but hate should be kept for yourself, not spread throughout the world. 

Negativity should be caged up and locked away, whereas we should continue focusing on all the positives in the world. 

I know this seems entirely useless, me ranting on about a ship in a fandom, but please understand, talking about your rage doesn't help cure it. 

I can see from their point of view, and I would've been as angry, enraged, and upset as they were if my ship didn't work out in the end. 

Don't get me wrong, this is a flippin' book of SGE commenting and judging ships, but this is all a joke, nothing serious. Any hate you've seen towards a ship in this book is highly exaggerated, and I repeat, a joke. Do not take anything you read seriously. 

All I have to say is: Continue shipping your ship without any hate or disagreement. Keep your opinions to yourself unless they are positive and upbringing. And please, please, please, don't hate on other ships, despite being cannon or not. 

Please note that I'm not doing this only for Hophie. There are a lot of other ships going through the same hate. 

Any hate comments or arguments will be reported, despite which side you agree on. 

Thank you for your time and understanding. 


Me: Okie-dokie, today's your lucky day—!

Hester: We have no lucky days—

Me: *magically banging a drum as loud as I can*

Agatha: *covering ears* Ow! What was that for?

Me: You interrupt me, I interrupt you. Now, *throws drum away*  

Anadil: You just had to throw it didn't you?

Me: I need it for comedy relief, thank you very much. Now, we have no ships today!

Everyone: *cheering and clapping*

Me: But you'll continue to react to memes, and stuff

Everyone: *clapping dies down*

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