Chapter 16: Misery of Chains

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3rd POV:

The duo were worried, the Heroes were worried, and even those that haven't really met Izuku yet but were on the mission were worried. Now you may be wondering why is everyone so worried but that is due to the fact that the main induvial who they were all gathering to help was no longer showing up to the school or even coming over to the duo's home anymore. Since about two days ago Izuku Midoriya has seemed to vanish off the face of the earth but they all knew exactly where he most likely was at and that was the problem that was causing them all to truly worry. As such, the heroes were rushing as fast as they could to get all of their preparations done as quickly as possible but there was still things that they couldn't rush in the end. They were of course planning to deal with the Corona family which meant that some things just could not be rushed because everyone knew this was going to be a bloody battle that was going to happen as this crime family was not the number one villain organization in America for nothing. Of course them hiding all of their tracks and evidence all of these years made it hard to go after them but they had a large force which is why the heroes were always so hesitance of starting a war with them but Izuku Midoriya existence pushed the balance into a tipping point and the hero's and government knew that the Corona crime family had to be put to a stop once and for all.

Now while the heroes were preparing themselves, the duo were busy trying to convince their fathers who were the heroes in the family currently to allow them to go with the heroes and police but stay back with the police so that they would be on site for when Izuku was found. Now this seems like an innocent request that could be granted and all but the parents were not going to allow it to happen one bit. No matter what the duo proposed or ask for the fathers denied their requests with vigor as there was many reasons that they didn't want to let their kids join them even at the police line for this raid. Now they of course didn't tell them the true reason and only told them that the organization that they were going to be fighting were extremely strong... strong enough that even they didn't know if they would walk away alive from the fight due to the capabilities of the number one villain Rage and his men. This made things go into perspective for the duo as Ozy and Zahra were now coming out of their trance of just being worried about Izuku as they started to understand the sheer weight of this mission for the heroes. Of course, there was the other reasons but the parents just needed their children judgment to stop being clouded by their concern about Izuku as the real reason that the parents didn't want them to go was something that would destroy the two if they were told. 

The reason reason that they were not going to be allowed to go was that the heroes knew from experience that if a captive was found rebelling against their captor it does not end well. More importantly for Izuku who was in the hands of Rage meant that Izuku had an extreme chance of being killed the very second that he was discovered to be helping the heroes against Rage. In other organizations some may beat the induvial but for Rage who was known to be chaotic in his rages. This meant that Izuku wouldn't be kept alive to get information out of him on what he gave up to the heroes. Instead Izuku would be killed off quickly while the Corona family would quickly move to a new location and cover their tracks which would just start the entire balancing act again since it would be hard to track them down.  Of course, there was no way the heroes were going to tell the duo this and it was the biggest reason that they were being kept away from the mission until it was over. If they were on site then there was a chance that they would see his body if he was discovered to be dead and that was be traumatizing. 

Switching from the heroes to the villains themselves, we can see that the topic at hand Izuku Midoriya was actually still alive! As we looked at him we could see that our precious green bean was chained up in a cold and damp room that was used to interrogate prisoners. Izuku's arms were chained up to the ceiling and his legs chained to the floor but he was dangling in the air due to how shorter he was than the normal induvial that ended up in this room. If you looked closely you could see that he was slightly twisting and turning around just because his body was hanging in the air and even the slightest movement caused him to move around quite a bit but that wasn't important! No, it was the very fact that he was alive and in this room to begin with because it seems odd for him to be in this room if he was caught betraying Rage now doesn't it!? Though that is the thing though, Izuku Midoriya wasn't caught betraying the organization as Rage had no idea that he has been meeting with heroes and providing large amounts of information to them about the Corona family. No... the reason that Izuku was in this room were for several reasons to be honest and some of the reasons were not even his fault at all!

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