Prologue - Fighting For Life

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Some backstory 




Sametime, every day I deal with names and worst, it sometimes is just the names but mostly worst but, I still am bullied. I am Foxy Brown or "The Homeless Rodent", and I live on the streets homeless, and parentless, with my 3 siblings, me being the second oldest, I am a completely crimson red fox with some peach.

My elder sister Freya who is 24 and graduated college she is a white fox with red tips and got a job as a business analyst, she was given a suit to wear, we clean it when it gets dirty, she does make sure that it doesn't get dirty. I have two younger sisters, and both of them is they are both of them are non-identical twins they both 12 years old, one of them is Eleanor a blue fox with white tips, the other one is Catherine a black fox with red tips, those two are much closer with each other than they are with us.

We are all pretty close but we don't always agree like I and Freya don't like how I get money, I go and try to steal from people walking by us for money, maybe credit cards if I am lucky but whenever I do Freya gets mad and says that she hates it when I do.

That she will never understand the position we are in if I had to choose between the world or us I frankly don't care what the world needs right now, I currently care about making sure we aren't going to die because we lost our house due to landlords, and then we slowly started to lose money until me and Freya, developed our skills, and after 3 years we slowly put us all into a semi-stable situation, need to though figure out how to get more from, thievery.

One day I was looking for people who look rich, then I spot someone with a dress and diamond bracelet.

I blent in with the crowd for 20 minutes and when I got close I grabbed money from her handbag, then I see that I grabbed a couple of $100 from her, and I turn around as she sees me, then calls "HEY THIEF" as I make run for it.

I was hoping that I would lose her then I climbed up the fire escape then keep running until I lost her.

Once I make it back to my siblings, and I call them over I show them the couple $100, and they seem excited to expect Freya who I expected not to because she damns bloody hates it when I pickpocket or anything like that.

"Just why do you do it," she says, " because it is us or the world, I don't frankly care about what the world, I currently care about us making it through every night without worry" I reply. 

A voice behind me, and says " is this why you took the money " I turn around to see the woman I stole from, I slowly walk backwards slowly, she says "don't be scared, I knew I would get robbed eventually" then she asks "what are you doing out here", we lived near a river, then she saw a cave we used to sleep in occasionally, I say that "were homeless and parentless, that's why I took the money, it was to feed us all" she looked at herself as if she did something wrong.

Then Connor comes out of the shadows, then asks if everything is alright, they seemed to know each other. then Connor introduces us "that's Freya she is a business analyst, and the elder sibling, that's Foxy he is very skilled with his hands and knows how to pickpockets very well, those two are Catherine, and Eleanor they are both non-identical twins, and they are the youngest, kids this Zulu a good friend of mine".

the woman is surprised that we made it for so long without dying, then she asks if we want to come to live with her until we can get jobs, and a house, me and Freya make the desition to go with her, we nod our heads the twins seems really excited, she said to grab there thing then Connor asked to talk to me.

"Foxy do you remember when I and your father took you to the range?" Connor asked I reply with "yes I remember we shot for the entire day" then he asked, "if he was to be given his fathers old modified rifle would you accept it?" I answer with "yes I would without hesitation!". Connor chuckles and then said "Ok then here you go Foxy", Connor then pulls out my FATHERS OLD GUNS, I hugged Connor and said thank you as he attached the rifle to a strap so I can carry the rifle over my shoulder.

We grab the stuff that we had, then Connor gave us all a picture of all of us and our mother and father, just before we leave I asked "Connor can drive me to the house" he answers with "with of course anything for the pirate captain" we both laugh because he used to call me Foxy The Pirate, so we throw my stuff in Connors Hellcat, we enter the car as we drive to the house. once we make my jaw just dropped at the size.

We made it inside and then we meet Zulu's boyfriend Frank, he greets Zulu, and Connor, then he asks "who are they I have never seen them bef-" Connor cuts him off saying " That's Freya, she is the elder sister, that's Foxy, then those two are Cath...

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We made it inside and then we meet Zulu's boyfriend Frank, he greets Zulu, and Connor, then he asks "who are they I have never seen them bef-" Connor cuts him off saying " That's Freya, she is the elder sister, that's Foxy, then those two are Catherine, and Elanor they are both the youngest siblings. 

After Connor, Zulu, and Frank talk for a while we were waiting thinking we were going to be kicked out but Zulu, Connor, and Frank say " what are you standing around grab your stuff and pick a room. all of our mouths drop then Zulu, and frankly said " you can stay as long as you need and we will help you in any way possible, we can help you get a house, or just, a house, but definitely a new education we are lucky we are near a school, that is a considerably good one, you all can enrol their if need be.

Freya asked "Where can I work" then Connor says "There is a pretty big company hiring nearby, they need a business analyst, and you fit the bill of who they want to hire, so I can call them up if they need you". Freya hugs Connor, he Hugs her back then she runs off to get her stuff. after I got to my room I unpacked my stuff there was already a comfy bed and a 50-inch curved black screen TV, so I connected my consoles that Connor got us all for a treat, so we all had a Nintendo switch PS5, and Xbox series X, and games we wanted to play, and he paid for all the subscriptions.

The school was pretty nice made some friends and got good grades, the best part was there was an Army Cadet Unit at the school, called 438 ACU, I became a CUO (Cadet Under Officer) and I just loved school so much.

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