Part 18 - The disappearance

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Connor P.O.V

I'm packing my things while everyone is at school, or work, I just don't know if I can take it anymore. After I finish packing my things, I start a recording that will display a hologram of me while talking, and I say when I start "My family I'm sorry to say that I am leaving to go to the vault I just can't live with the things I've done there, so I'm going back to the vault to face it all, if you want to find me, head to the vault, maybe you can convince me to come back, but I'm going to the vault and staying and again I'm sorry".

Once the message is recorded I prepare my personal helicopter, then take off to Uluru. Once I'm at Uluru I head to the vault door and say "Through battle, we find freedom, open up and you shall see", once the door is open I parachute down and begin scavenging for food and water, I then find myself back at my old home, I then grab a pack of cigarettes and smoke one. I'm starting to get the feel for being in the vault again, then I see someone walk through the door and I pull out my gun then fire killing them.

I see what they had on them and they had two canteens filled with water so I take them and threw the body out the window but I grabbed a helmet and put it on. After a while it was night but I couldn't fall to sleep so I got up and grabbed a rifle then go out scavenging.

Foxy P.O.V

The gang are about to finish school when I get a call from Freya, I answered it and she said "Foxy I'm on my way to pick you up Connor has left for the vault, only you know where it is" when I hear that I tell the teacher that I need to leave so my sister can pick me up. but the teacher says "Well you can sit down and wait then", I then say "My father has left to seal himself in a vault I need to stop him before he gets there", the teacher then asks "What vault?", I answer with "The vault at Uluru".

He then says "Wait there is an actual vault there", I then say "Yes but I'm going now and not stopping", I then load my gun and leave the school Mangle is dashing right behind me, then once I'm in the car with Mangle I drive to my house and tell Freya that I'm on my way home. Once I'm home I get in a mech and Freya then soon comes but I've already packed all the rations, then Mangle comes out with her armour and Freya asks "So where is here?" I answer with "Uluru deep in the outback, now get in a mech and get in the helicopter".

Once we are all in the helicopter and Freya ask everyone "So who's flying?", I get out of my mech make my way to the chair and put on a flight helmet. I then say "Everyone make sure all the doors are closed and hold on it's going to get bumpy", I hear a "Ready for departure" the I start flying over 10,000km towards Uluru. 

After 16 hours Uluru is in sight and I shout out to everyone "Uluru is visible from here, so everyone prepare because soon we are going in". Once we are at Uluru, I take off the helmet and get in my mech then exit the helicopter with Freya and Mangle then make our way towards the vault but I hear more helicopters so I turn around and see lots of helicopters incoming. I shout out to the helicopters with a voice amplifier and say "Turn back or we open fire!", the helicopters then come to the ground then I go in combat mode and walk towards them.

Soldiers start flowing out from the helicopters then Freya and Mangle stand next to me than engage combat mode and I say "Once last chance before we open fire, Leave and don't follow us", Then the soldiers pull out their rifles, then I engage all my weaponry and say "We are Liberators are you sure you want to do this because then you are breaking a deal we made", then they open fire forcing us to fire back some people made it to the vault but couldn't figure how to open it, and we threw them away, we killed most of the soldiers before they got on their helicopters and left.

Once they were all gone I recite the code "Through war, we find freedom, open up and you shall see", the vault door opens as we engage defence mode to protect us from bullets, shot by humans in the vault. I look around I though don't know where Connor would be because I was in one building to get the ring out, plus since it was dark I had to turn on my thermal lens, to see anyone, I then see a figure on the ground and I jump down to the floor then walk towards him and grab him then say "Who are you". But they didn't talk they just pulled out an EMP grenade then detonates it disabling the mech and he makes a run for it.

Once my suit gained power and function we all ran after the figure who ran inside a building, we all chased him until we came into a room where he was cornered, that's when I see one thing that shocks me, it's my old stuffed toy from when I was born, I then look at the figure and say "Connor, is that you?" he then takes off his mask and says "You sometimes work way to quick I intended for it to go on for a few nights, but you found me", I then say "Connor please come back to us we know that you've done wrong here but we can help, so please come back, I saw your message and I know you feel responsible, but if you come back we can help".

Connor looks at me and says "You don't know how much I've done, how many people I've killed, I came back here to face it all", I then say "Connor if you don't come back we can't then support the house because of the cost, and we will eventually lose it so please come back", when I mentioned losing the house Connor said, "Fine I'll come back because I don't want you guys to lose your home again". Connor packs his things and walks out then goes to the vault door with us, then I heard the ring of a gunshot and I see sparks on the wall then Connor recites the code and gets us out then we all run to the helicopter.

Once we are in the helicopter and Connor is starting the engine humans start to come out of the vault then Connor starts to fly away while we are being shot at, then Connor says "Now that more people know that I'm out here they will start to leave the vaults, which is a relive because now humans can start to come back into the world". Once we are home Connor puts down his stuff inside then goes back outside, so I follow him to see him on the front step smoking a cigarette and he says "A couple of decades ago I used to go through a box a day, but now I've lost the addiction, but I prefer these to the ones you can get here".

Connor then says "I used to also be an addict to quite a few other things, but back then those were the only things that gave me comfort, but I lost most of those I still am addicted though to one thing, called Dirt and not the dirt you think, Dirt in the vault is a drug that destroys your awareness, but the high feels used to feel so damn good, but now it's horrible but I'm getting help with that addiction". I sit next to Connor then he says "These cigarettes aren't a drug though but they can give you a small addiction if you have too many, and if you want one try one", I then grab one and grab Connor's lighter and smoke the cigarette but it tastes horrible and I toss it on the pavement.

Connor laughs and says "Well then at least you won't like any of the others they are even more horrid", I chuckle and say "So if you were an addict did you bring anything with you", Connor just answers with "Only Dirt I tried to just deal with the withdraw of the others". I then ask "Did my parents know you were an addict?" Connor says "They did we used to smoke and drink together, but they weren't addicts like me and they were aware of that, and they helped me", I nod and say "You must have struggled with all of the withdraw from everything, did my parents help with the withdraw" Connor then says "Man they did more than that, they stopped me and my wife's addictions".

I then say "Alright you though do know that we are here for you Connor, I know that your life was hard and is hard but you have to know that we are here for you", Connor then nods and says "I couldn't stop thinking about the enemy's I made so I went back to face them, hoping they would kill me and just end my existence" Connor then smothers his cigarette on the ground and puts the box of cigars away and says "Come on let's go inside, I need something to get rid of the after taste when it comes".

Once Connor finished dinner we all ate and Connor brought home some animals he killed from the vault that mutated, but we could eat them without side effects. Connor cooked the animals and made them into a stew that tasted amazing then I ask Connor "Connor what is this it tastes amazing?", Connor then says "well it's got some, mutated wolf, and rat, with some carrots and tomatoes all from the vault", I then realise what that meant was in there but it tasted good then Connor said "The dish is known as el diablo", I then realise that means the devil, I then ask "Why is it called el diablo?" Connor answers with "Well it's because the carrots, tomatoes, wolves and rats all have two little horns on them".

We finish dinner then Connor goes to bed and falls asleep while the gang and I go to sleep, but Freya is still worrying about Connor, so she is outside her door while he is sleeping, to make sure he is alright because he just went to the place he almost died In every day.

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