Part 2 - The First Day

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Foxy's POV

I make my way ups the stairs into the university, I go up to the head to the principal's office then a lady at the desk, said: "you're Foxy Brown correct?" "yes I am" I reply then she gives me my schedule, then she uses the intercom and says "Lolbit please come to the principal's office, Lolbit please come to the principal's office".

A few seconds later a white fox with purple tips, and orange highlights, bursts through the door saying in a really excited tone "I'M HERE", then the lady asks the fox to be a tour guide for me then the fox said "Hi my name is Lolbit, you" I reply...

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A few seconds later a white fox with purple tips, and orange highlights, bursts through the door saying in a really excited tone "I'M HERE", then the lady asks the fox to be a tour guide for me then the fox said "Hi my name is Lolbit, you" I reply with "my name is Foxy, Foxy Brown or what I used to be called, the homeless rodent as I used to be called". Then Lolbit says "Well I am going to call you Foxy still" I smile and say "Thank you". then Lolbit says "all right then let's begin on the tour, let me see your schedule" she looks and gets really excited "WE HAVE ALL THE SAME CLASSES" she squeals while dragging me to my locker.

before we get to my locker we see a bear with red cheeks who has pinned, someone else to a locker then I intervene, "what do you think you're doing" I command the bear, replies with "he owes me something, and why do you c-" "because it is my job to help when needed" Foxy says with authority in his voice "Oh you really think you take me on" the bear says I reply with "I prefer not to fight b-" "THEN LEAVE you to need no input in this" the bear says.

I can't stand by and watch this happen. Then I knew what to do I'm just hoping Connor taught me well. "I CAN'T LET YOU DO THIS, GET AWAY FROM HIM NOW!" I say as I rip him away from the rabbit. "YOU LITTLE, ARRGHH" the bear shouts as he tries to punch me, then I do what Connor taught me, bob, weave dodge to the back, then kick. the bear goes down with a thud here gets up and I say "You want to go again, I will be glad to if I can protect someone."

the bear growls and storms off, I turn to the rabbit and I show him my hand. "Why would you help me, after all, I am a trash rabbit after all." I reply with "Well I was a homeless rodent, for 3 years of my life before someone helped me, and then cared for me. " then the rabbit grabs my hand, then I yank him up from the floor. "Foxy, Foxy Brown that is my name," I say the rabbit says "Springtrap, that is my name"

I say "see you at lunch", as I pat him on the shoulder and head to my locker, then class. once lunch rolls around, I find Springtrap leaning against a wall in the cafeteria, I walk to him and shake his hand. I and Springtrap walk around to find Lolbit, then we see her sitting at a table with a few other people. 

Lolbit has seen us walking towards us then, she stand up waves to us to come to her, when we sit down on the chairs and then a cyan fox asks Lolbit "Who are they Lolbit?" I reply with "I'm Foxy, and the rabbit is Springtrap, we met Lolbit when she was dragging me around the school, and all but two of my classes are with her." 

"Is this true Lolbit?" the fox asks "yes it is, I might have dragged him to his locker" Lolbit answers "*sigh* really Lolbit did you get that excited". lolbit then said "Foxy did though make Toy Freddy taste the dirt for once" "Really, wow that makes you two, a friend of mine, my name is Revvo nice to meet you I'm Lolbit's brother". "I'm Frederick, and the other wolf is my sister Ferrisca, nice to meet you".

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