Part 16 - Liberation Of Australia And Fatherhood

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Connor P.O.V

I was in Libertallia after Foxy and his friends fall asleep, I started to work on a time that I, Foxy, Freya, Springtrap and Mangle can meet up with the prime minister of Australia. Once I finish with the call to finalize the meeting I go back inside and check up on everyone to make sure that they are asleep. Once I am in bed I can't stop thinking about how we can finally bring humans back and I can finally rest knowing that I did that. 

Once I am awake I go to Freya and wake her up then tell her "You're not going to work today, you're coming with me to the prime minister of Australia", Freya then asks"Why are we doing that?", I answer with simply "The liberation can begin". I go to Foxy's room and I see that everyone is awake then I think to myself why not bring them all they all will find out about the organisation anyway, so I tell them "You all aren't heading to school today, we're going to see the prime minister of Australia to be able to run Liberation missions around the country".

Foxy and Springtrap then ask "Why I mean we do it anyway?" I answer with "So we can get the support of the military, and we won't have to live in as much fear", they both nod, as Foxy and Mangle get out of bed and get into their armour. Once everyone is ready I get them all in a new generation of protected mobility, it was an MK8 Protected mobility vehicle. Once everyone was strapped in I drove to the government house, to meet with the prime minister.

When we are there I step out of the vehicle while the others get out, and I walk up the stairs ready, to talk to the prime minister. Once we are in the government house I walk to the meeting room as they are having a meeting, then once I am in we all just wait until the prime minister called me up to talk with me. I shake his hand and say "My name's Connor, over there are some of the members of the Liberation", then the prime minister said "So you here on the account that you are planning on bringing world peace correct" I then nod and he then says "Take at seat all of you, lets chat about the plan".

I talk to the prime ministers and the other ministers about my plan, to use Australia as a home base of operations, But after a little while Foxy spoke up.

Foxy's P.O.V

I sit down as Connor goes through the plans on the liberation, then I speak up when Connor brings up the name of the former leader of the Liberation. I then say "Connor why didn't you ever tell me his name, anytime I asked you avoided the question", Connor then says "Not right now Foxy, it's not the right time" I then slam the table and say "What was his name you never told us, and you are our legal guardian so I ask again, What Was His Name!".

Connor then says "Fine you want to know who it is if you keep pushing me, then fine Foxy it was your Uncle, I didn't want you to get hurt for that fact I accidentally killed one of your family members", I gain a shocked expression then Connor says "Let me tell you the full story".

Connor then explains what happened. I, Luke and Mary just came back from an info grab from an insurgency in western Australia, but like usual, Victor who is Foxy's uncle wanted us to kill anyone there, but we didn't so we had to go have a meeting with him. Once we made it back to Alpha Yankee drop off point, Victor was waiting and said to the three of us "You three with me, we have to talk", we all followed him which was our first mistake. Once we were in his office I decided to stand up for the three of us and say "So are you going to drill us about not following orders, because every time we don't take a life you seem upset", he then says to Mary and Luke "Leave I must talk to Connor here", they both leave and he then says "Connor do you know where your family are" I answer with "at home", then he says "are you sure because they're right there", he points then to of his henchmen, removes the cloth covering the people's faces to reveal my daughter and wife, I point a gun at Victor and shout "LET THEM GO THEY DID NOTHING".

Victor then smiles and says "May not want to point a gun at me because you have been a thorn, at my side for, years but you are one of my most tactical members so that is what gave you your position as 2nd general of the Liberation", I then lower the gun realising that they, had a gun to my family's head, I then beg Victor not to kill them, he then smiles and says "Well if you want them to live go and kill that Mary and Luke" he then starts counting down from 10 and I try to think what to do, but time flew passed because I then heard "3, 2, 1, 0" then two loud bangs and I see my wife and child on the fall two holes in each end.

Victor then said to his henchmen "Dispose of 2nd general Connor", that is when Luke and Mary burst through the door and shooting to cripple any of the henchmen, and shooting Victor's legs in. I then grab his head as I dug my fingers into his eyes, then ripped out the remnants of his eyes grabbed my blade and stabbed it into his brain killing him. I never wanted to kill him, but I was so blinded by rage that I did, but I never wanted to. I then took over the Liberation, with help of Luke and Mary we could start our operations again.

Connor almost cries when he says "But Foxy's parents allowed me to transfer some of my blood into them, so if they died I could look at their children and have the feeling I was part of their family", I then walk over to Connor and he says "I know you probably won't forgive me but, I was blinded by rage", but I then stand him up and hug him then say "I don't need to forgive you, because of the amount you delt last, and I'm somewhat related to", then Freya stands up and hugs him as well then soon after that Mangle joined because she and Connor had grown to be close with each other.

 Then the prime minister says "Well that finalize it the Liberation is to work with the Tri-service, and when you need assistance with operations the country of Australia will have your back", he then slides over a piece of paper that said at the title "Liberation of Australia", and at the bottom, it had three signing spots left and the prime minister said, "Once you sign the paper it finalizes it the peace between Australia and the Liberation". Connor is the first to sign it then Freya then me, and once everything is signed the Liberation is now an official organisation, and Connor walks up to the prime minister than the prime minister hands him a piece of paper and says "For if you want to become an official family".

I look at the paper and it says at the title "OFFICIAL ADOPTION PAPERS" and Connor then puts it away in his pocket, then says to me and Freya "Once we are home I will share the news with the twins". Connor thanks the prime minister as we all walk out the door and get into the vehicle then drive home. Once we are home Connor walks through the door and says to the twins "Hey you two um can I see both of you for a second", they both walk to the couch and sit down looking confused.

Connor explains the story he told us then says "The prime minister gave me these papers and they are for me to be able to adopt you and your siblings" .they both wrap their arms around us as I and Freya join in then we all say "We want to have a parent". Connor then grabs the piece of paper and says "Well let's make it happen then", We all sign it and Connor then says "It's done we are an official family". Then Connor says "Ok who is up for staying up for the rest of the night watching movies as a celebration, and food is on me what does everyone want?". Once we all say what we want to Connor then he calls up a tonne of places and gets food from all of them.

We are all watching movies Mangle is snuggled up with me Connor was going on about who made the movies inside the vault. After the 4th movie Mangle fell asleep and I told Connor "Hey Connor I'm gonna take Mangle to bed ok" he then says "alright I'll keep an eye on the rest of them". I take Mangle to my bedroom and she wakes up when I lay her on the bed and asks "Where am I?" I answer with "You're in my room, don't worry you fell asleep on me", Mangle then asks "Can I still sleep with you still?" I say "Well of course now come on lets sleep".

I and Mangleg get undressed then get into what we normally sleep in, then I hop in and Mangle after me then she lays her head on my chest and we keep snuggling until she is on top of me, then I wrap my arms around her as she wraps her arms around my neck, then I start purring to help Mangle sleep. After another two hours, the gang slowly comes into the room and start to all fall asleep. Once I am finally asleep all I can think about and say to myself is "Wow I now have a parent again", I fall asleep with the gang and dream about I and Mangles possible future.

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