Part 24 - Brain removal

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Connor P.O.V

I'm getting a bit nervous at the door to the hospital but I know I must save Foxy, so we walk through the door and see the doctor who is working on Foxy, then I say to the doctor "Hey doc if we want to save Foxy we need a part of my brain taken out". The doctor turns around and looks so surprised I said that then I say "I know it sounds crazy but I have got the Strychnine, and the rest of the ingredients put into this and made all I need though, is a piece of my brain to finalize, it then Foxy's body will start to destroy the Strychnine cells, and survive".

The doctor then says "Ok then let's get to work because you obviously, know a lot more about the Strychnine poison than I do", we all walk to the surgery room and I sit in the chair then Freya hands the doctor an image of the brain piece that can be removed then he walked off to get the brain surgeon. I was starting to get nervous about the removal and all I could think about is if they remove the wrong put, but when I start to get panicking worried Freya and Mangle both came next to me, then they both try to comfort me but I was still very worried of what had to come.

After the brain surgeon arrived he told the girls to leave while he put me to sleep and got the brain part out he needed, so they both left and I was getting a little worried but before I knew it I was asleep. Once I woke up I was in the recovery centre and next to my bed there was a small test tube, with the brain part in it. I grabbed the tube then got out of bed, and started to walk towards my hat then I realised that someone was yanking on my arms so I pull it out of their grasp then put on my hat and turned around, to see Mangle, Freya and the doctor there looking quite shocked, then I ask "What's wrong, is there something wrong with me?". 

Mangle then says "Connor you got out of the surgery room like one minute ago", I then say "But how is that possible?", then the doctor said, "Maybe because he is human, and the sedative we used to put him asleep isn't as effective". I then say "Ok but what's important is that we now have the brain piece we need, and can finish the anti-poison", I then start to walk to the stairs and walked up the stairs and once I'm at the exit I hear "Connor slow down, your body is trying to adapt to you not having, a piece of your brain". 

I then stop and slowly walk towards the tiltrotor, sit down in a passenger seat, and then wait for Freya and Mangle because Freya is one of the people I taught to fly a tiltrotor. Once Freya makes it to the tiltrotor she looks at me while I'm strapping in for the flight back, then she says "Connor you need to rest because your brain is rewiring itself, to fix itself because a piece of itself is missing". I sigh then say "Fine but let's get home and I'll finish the anti-poison", Freya then, get in the cockpit and starts to fly when Mangle gets into the cockpit.

Mangle P.O.V

Freya is flying us back to the house Connor is going to hopefully, make the anti-poison for Foxy to save him. Once we are home I help Connor walk to his room then he sits down and places both the brain and the unfinished anti-poison. Connor starts to crush the brain piece until it is this mush, then he puts it back into the tube and he then walks over to a chemical cooling machine, then he places the unfinished anti-poison into it.

After about an hour, Connor takes out the anti-poison, grabs the mushed up brain, and places it inside where Connor heats any liquid. After about 15 minutes Connor takes out a complete anti-virus and says "It's done the anti-virus that can save Foxy, from the Strychnine poison", I then ask "Can we go to Foxy now to give it to him". Connor then says "Well it's quite late so we will wait until morning, then we can go to him", I then say "Fine I'll go to sleep right away". Just before I go to Connor's room Connor grabs my arm and says "Do you want to watch something because I have nothing to do for the next couple of hours", then I say "Sure I would like that". 

I and Connor both sit on the couch and we watch the witcher, then after a couple of hours later I go to bed and go to sleep, but I keep thinking about how Foxy might react to the anti-poison. Once it is the morning I jump out of bed to see Connor getting prepared for the flight and he seems so efficient, even more than before he removed a piece of his brain. Once Connor is ready, he says "Before we leave I'm going to call Zulu because she was effectively his guardian for a few years", I nod then Connor grabs a phone and calls someone, I don't know who it is but I guess it's Zulu.

Once Connor finishes the call, he goes to the tiltrotor and gets into the cockpit then starts it up, and then I hop inside the co-pilot seat, then help Connor prep the tiltrotor. Once we are ready for the flight we take off and start flying to the hospital but on the way there Connor says "Hey Mangle can you quickly take over the tiltrotor I gaining a small headache", I then ask "Do you think it is your brain?". Connor nods then tries to stay calm, while he waits for the headache to pass. 

Once the headache seems to have passed, Connor takes over the control over the tiltrotor then once we are at the hospital Connor lands on the roof and makes his way through the hospital to Foxy's room.

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