Part 10 - He won't Ever Change

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Foxy POV

When I wake up I realise that it is already time to head back to school, so I go downstairs and Connor has left already nut he has already cooked breakfast so I grab some breakfast place everything in my bag and head off to school. Once I arrive at school I see Mangle waiting at the front of the school, but once she sees me she dashes over to me I catch her with a hug, and she hugs me back. We break our hug to walk into our school that is when I see Connor, and he says "We had a locker relocation and class reassignment so you two are with the rest of your gang".

I look at Mangle then Connor gives us the location on a piece of paper so, me and Mangle walk to the location on the piece of paper that is when we see the squad, I and Mangle run over to them. Once the gang sees us, they wave at us and once we are there we all say hi to each other, and we all place our stuff in the lockers. Once I put all my things away we all head to our first lesson, and we sit down next to each other.

We all slowly make it through the school day then it is the second to last class, I and the gang were talking about how we should embarrass him but then on the intercom, I hear "Last class of the day is cancelled for an assembly you can bring anything you want to share about your holidays", I still had the USB in my trench coat, so I knew I could present it in front of the whole school, then I looked at the gang and they already were thinking what I was thinking.

after the class ended we all made our way to the assembly hall and it was absolutely massive it was a massive hall with many rows of chairs, and upstairs there were more chairs for the teachers. 

The gang and I sit right up from while Toy Freddy sat right up at the back. The principal talked about how the staffs holidays were, but once she was Toy Freddy stood up and walked up to the stage then says "My holidays were amazing because I got to be with Mangle, and my friends up in Australia's snowy regions, but I am glad to be back so I can talk to my friends and actually learn", I and the gang can't but burst out laughing, then I speak up and say "Alright continue I want to see where this fairy tale goes".

Toy Freddy gives me a look and then says "Well then what did you do on the holidays", I just smile and say "Alright gang were in business, let's take this somewhere and can someone make sure the doors are locked", Once I am on the stage I go to a computer connected to the projector, then I insert the USB and it comes up with four body camera Mangle, Foxy, mech mk3, and Springtrap. 

Once the projector has the screen up I say "My holidays were great because not only did I get to hang out with my friend and family, I got the chance to save and protect them." The gang slowly start to file onto the stage Toy Freddy seemed so shocked when Mangle stood next to me and rested her head on my shoulder. I then say "I can prove this by showing you our body camera footage, so let's first of all start with Mangle's body camera", it showed Toy Freddy kidnapping her, everyone else involved and me saving her.

Mangle then says "It's true Toy Freddy did kidnap". I then move on to my body camera where you can see me saving Mangle, Connor though cut out anything about seeing Mangle get dressed, I then said "But wait we have even more evidence to secure this fact even more". I pull up the mech mk3 camera, to show Connor working on it, but then when they first attacked you see me run to the mech and then you hear it close then start running towards where they first, then you see me threaten to kill them if they do not leave.

Toy Freddy chimes in and says "But you were threatening us", I then say "Wow you just admitted that was you", it then skips to when they brought the RPG-7, and I finally chased them away after I got hit with the rocket, then I started to run at them and they left that time but, I already had them saved in a database so we knew it was them, I then showed them Springtraps camera which showed us talking about shoot to kill and shoot to disable.

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