Part 23 - Strychnine Anti-Poison

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Connor P.O.V

I'm grabbing my things and I'm preparing to go to my vault, it has everything I need to prepare, a special anti-poison, that I learn to make to kill all of the Strychnine cells, to help me survive in the vault. Once everything is ready, I go to the tiltrotor and prepare it for flight, but I see Freya walks out of the house and asks me "Where do you think you're going?". I then shout out "Going to my vault to find the required materials to make an anti-poison to destroy all the Strychnine cells in Foxy's blood", then Freya grabs her armour and gets in the tiltrotor, then says "Come on let's go quick before this wakes their gang up".

I start to fly towards Uluru and after 16 hours I make it to the vault, and the door is already open because all the occupants already left to find me so the whole vault should be empty. I and Freya both walk into the vault checking our corners making sure the vault was, empty but once we made it to my old home, I start to search for the first ingredient, which is tobacco I know it was strange but I've had Strychnine injected into me when I was a kid and had to make the cure to survive, the poison and one of the ingredients for the anti-poison is tobacco.

Once I grab the tobacco I tell Freya "1 down 12 to go", I exit the apartment with Freya as we make our way to the hospital because I need a deadly virus, known for many years as malaria. Once at the hospital, I tell Freya "We are looking for a virus called malaria, it's deadly but I need it to make an anti-poison", Freya nods then we walk into the hospital, but we have to be careful because just because the people left doesn't mean that the beasts left. I load my gun then aim down the sight and start shooting all the mutated k9's, then after I'm done shooting them all I tell Freya "We now have about 15 minutes in this building before it comes".

Freya then asks me "What is it?", I then say "The destroyer of all", then I run inside and go into the storage location that holds all the viruses that require to be warm and grab malaria then make a beeline towards the exit with Freya but when we are outside I see it, The Destroyer of All. I grab Freya's arms then start running until she starts running with me and I run into a building then start going up the stairs until I'm on the top floor, because I need some drugs for another ingredient.

Once I have that we run to the roof and jump to another building then hide out until the Destroyer is gone. Once the Destroyer is gone I tell Freya That the rest of the ingredients are inside this building, and we start searching for the rest of the things, because we need things like mongral blood and rat's brain.

Once we have everything I and Freya make our way to the exit but about, half way the destoyer comes out of no where, and we duck behind a building then once it is gone we both run towards the exit. Once we are out I start to fly back home with most of the ingredients to make the anti- poison, because I never told Freya that I need, Strychnine and a piece of a human brain.

Mangle P.O.V

I wake up from another nightmare when I wake up though the gang tries to comfort me but then soon after I stopped crying I hear a loud helicopter so I and the gang go outside. When we are outside I see Connor stepping out of the tiltrotor with Freya holding a suitcase and Connor says "I'll get started on the anti poison just give me the case and I'll get to work". Freya then hands Connor the case and he see's us then says "We can explain where and what we were doing", I then ask "Did you say anti-poison?".

Connor then says "Yes while I was a kid in my vault, I learned how to make a anti-poison for Strychnine because I needed to make sure, I could survive almost any encounter", I then say "You had to go back to the vault, and you did it just to save Foxy?". Connor then says "We collected enough for me and Foxy", I then realise Connor's plan he then continues and says "I can inject it into myself and Foxy, then we can do the heart swap, and after the poison is gone from both of us then we can swap our hearts again giving Foxy, the biggest chance of survival".

I then sigh and say "Connor I know you miss Foxy but try and focus on making a really strong anti-poison then we can help Foxy that way", Connor then says "Fine I will focus on one strong anti-poison and Freya can watch me to make sure there is one", once it was settled Connor said "Come on Freya we need to get to work".

The two of them walk off then I look at the horizon and see that it is almost morning then I tell the gang "Come gang it's almost morning", we all go inside and pack up all their things then I wait until sunrise then once it was, I got into Foxy's car and everyone hops in then I drive everyone to school, and say to them "All of you now go sleep at your house".

They go to school while I start driving but after about half way I realise that someone is following me so, I take a route then radio Connor and say "Connor someone is following me, what do I do?". I then hear Connor say "Drive to my house and drive into the garage then I will shoot whever they are", I drive to the house and into the garage but no one is following me anymore so i go into the house and Connor says "The anti-poison is made but we need two more ingredients, the actual poison and a piece of the human brain".

I then tell Connor "What do you mean you need a piece of a human brain?", then Connor says "The brain will have enough nerves, to be able to finalize it". I then say "Fine let's go to the hospital and get the last part done", we all get into the tiltrotor and fly to the hospital where Connor will have a part of his brain that he doesn't need or will ever need taken out, and once we are there we walk through the doors to see a familiar face.

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