Part 32 - You Can Try

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Foxy P.O.V

My god she just doesn't understand she's going to get herself killed if she keeps this up, but I can't blame her she does think I killed Toy Freddy. I load my gun and say "Empires will rise but they also will fall, I will fall when it's my time and you don't get to choose that", Rebbeca leaps at me so I catch her and shout into her face "Toy Freddy would hate it if you died, but if you keep this up I will just have to end you right here and now!". Rebbeca slashes at my arms cutting it then she says "But he would love it if I killed you", now I know she lost it, she literally is trying to kill me because she thinks Toy Freddy would love it.

I aim my gun and pull the hammer back then say "Believe it or not but I respected Toy Freddy, I only took extreme measures when he tried to kill me multiple times and kidnapped Mangle multiple times, he was the true villain in the story, not me", but Rebbeca doesn't care and leaps at me again so I throw her to the ground.

When Rebbeca gets up I say "I'm not going to kill you I get nothing from doing it", I start to walk away then I hear "I will never let you live in peace again, never!", I then say while walking "You can try all you want but I will fall when I want to fall". Once I make it to my locker again I empty my gun revealing I only had rubber rounds in it, then I load it with blanks and grab a De Lisa carbine, and a Glock then attaches a silencer to the Glock to make it silent then I walk to my next class with my guns.

When I make it to class I scan the classroom and realise that someone has rigged my chair with a gas bomb of Strychnine poison. I go up to my chair then find the bomb and throw it onto the roof, but the teacher asks me "What were you just doing Mr Foxy?", I answer with "I found a bomb under my chair, it had Strychnine poison inside, the same poison that put me into a coma, so I threw it onto the roof". The teacher sounds shocked and asked "Well do you have any proof?", I then say "My lenses are recording 24/7, so yes I have proof". I walk up to my computer and take out one of my lenses, then put it close to it then I click a button and the computer accesses my recording.

The recording shows the lenses scanning for anything inside the room that is dangerous, and it showed me scanning the bomb then throwing it on the roof. The teacher looks shocked and says "Why would someone have a poison that potent against foxes", I then say "Easy when I was defending my home and waiting for backup to arrive, I was shot multiple times with that same poison, and the person who tried to kill me well, the lover of a dead man".

The teacher doesn't get what so I then say "And that lover is Rebbeca", the teacher then says "But Rebbeca has been such a good student before you came, but why?". I then whisper in his ear "Well I tell you a little secret I was the executioner of Toy Freddy", the teacher then looks even more shocked, then whispers back to me "Really does she know then". I then say "No I was given something to hide me she wouldn't know it was me", then I see Rebbeca walk through the door and I walk about my chair then Rebbeca, sees that no gas is coming, then gets really confused so I say "The bomb is on the roof".

Then Rebbeca shouts out in frustration, then the teacher says "Ms Rebbeca quiet down", Rebbeca then stops and buries her head into the desk and I make sure my weapons are ready. After the lesson finished I dashed out the classroom and ran as fast as possible then I open my locker then say on the radio "- .... .. ... / .. ... / --. . -. . .-. .- .-.. / ..-. --- -..- -.-- --..-- / .-- --- .-.. ..-. / -.-. --- -- -- .- -. -.. --- / ... --.- ..- .- -.. .-. --- -. / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-.. -- --- ... - / .... . .-. . (This is general Foxy, Wolf Commando squadron are you almost here)".

After a few seconds I hear ".-- . / .- .-. . / .- .--. .--. .-. --- .- -.-. .... .. -. --. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .-.. --- -.-. .- - .. --- -. / .-. .. --. .... - / -. --- .-- --..-- / .-- . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / - .... . .-. . / .. -. / .... .- .-.. ..-. / .- -. / .... --- ..- .-. (We are approaching your location right now, we will be there in half an hour)", then I prepared my weapons and ran outside then waited. I see a lot of vehicles driving then they parked next to me and commandos started to fall out then start forming up in front of me. Once they form up I say "Alright while you're here you will need to wear gas masks and have silenced weapons, but you will need bulletproof armour", then I hear "SIR!". 

They all go back to their vehicles and pick up gas masks, armour, and silencers, once they are ready I walk towards the school and say "Take your posts around the school, soldiers". The commandos start to run ahead of me then run into the school, and once they are ready I go to my class. Just as I'm about to walk through the door it flies open and Rebbeca is there holding a large knife but I dodge out of the way and Rebbeca falls to the ground with a loud thump, then I say "You can try Rebbeca but I'm just more superior in combat, and I've had more combat experience".

I walk into class and scan the classroom, but I dodge an automated turrets bullet, and I continue dodging the bullets then I fire one bullet from my flock and make it explode. Once the turret was gone I scan the room and nothing is there so I radio the commandos "Alright a turret has been dealt with so we can now start searching more classes, now get to it". After a few minutes, I start to hear people jogging by, then the gang sits around me but I was loading my gun and I was making sure I was loading tranquilisers and not lethal. 

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