Luis Suarez

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Zander gave the time that Louise asked, he didn't bother the girl even when he really wanted to talk to her. For Louise, it was a time for her to think about other things and less of what happened.

For her to clear her mind and refresh, she often take a walk at the park, tho she knows that she will probably see Zander, but she's hoping not.

And right now, she was having a walk, a quiet and peaceful walk at the park. It's a weekday but she took a day off at work, so only a few people can be seen. There was a really peaceful ambiance.

She took a deep breath and just let the wind touch her skin. She found an empty bench so she take a seat and take a look around.

She just watch the people passing by and enjoying the view of the park and the sea and the people. It helps her calm a little. It made her feel good and lifts up her mood.

"Everybody hurts some days
It's okay to be afraid
Everybody hurts
Everybody screams
Everybody feels this way
And it's okay
La di da di da
It's okay " she sings while looking at her feet together.

"Everybody hurts" she then said then scoff

Then suddenly her mind decided to betray her. Zander, Zander and Zander again, running through her mind. Their moments together, the happy and the sad. They loved each other, but why would this happen to them? Will it be the end? The end that no one wanted.

She sigh and tried to think of something else but it didn't work.

"Tsk, I don't want this" she said then lifts her head up and just look forward.

"I hate you" she mumbled, then she shake her head

"I love you" she mumbled again then she took a deep breath

"I hate you and I love you" she said, she doesn't want to say but that's what she needed to come out from the inside.

She hates Zander for making her feel this again and for lying to her and for fooling her, but she loves him, she really can't deny that even to herself.

She shake her head again and took a deep breath then took a stand without looking at her sides.

"Aww" she said, a man bumped into her, she fell on the bench seated.

"I'm sorry. I lost my focus on the path. Are you okay?" the voice was familiar. Louise felt cold and froze on her spot. She tried to lift her head to see the man's face.

"Louie" the man said, he took a step back but still looking at the girl

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't think I would bumped into you today and on this park. But, are you okay?"

Louise didn't talk and was still looking at the man. Why now?

"W-what are you doing here?" Louise asked, she wants to stand but her knees becomes weak. She look away

"I was...maybe to clear my mind." the man said, he then move closer a little

"Can we...can we talk? I know you said to give you time. But, I really want to talk to you about something. Let me explain everything, please?" he said, Louise glanced at him, she wants to say no but...

"Fine, Zander" her mouth said, so Zander sit beside her but leave a space between. Both cannot look into each other's eyes.

"Uhm, broke up with me because...a girl talked to you and say that she was my fiancee. Am I right?" Zander said and was taking glances at the girl, Louise nodded and was mad just thinking about it

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