His Love

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As some of the staffs were still having their dinner, Louise's friends and her decided to sit at the benches that's facing the sea which is a few meters away.

"Where's Zander?" Louise asked as she noticed that Zander wasn't with them

"He's talking to Kuya Andre. Maybe it is because your relationship with Zander is getting serious" Sean said, that made Louise to furrow her brows as she laughs.

"What if he asks you tonight? What will you do?" Sean asked as he looks at his cousin. Louise then took a sigh before showing her smile

"Maybe I'll take the risk. And, you will be there for me if anything happens right?" She said, then her friends all agreed.

On the other hand, Zander and Lennox were at the corner, standing face to face.

Zander Pov
I was facing Louise's brother and he's looking at me like he was analyzing me. Tho it's not the first time we met but this is the first time that we will have a serious talk.

"So, do you plan to be with my sister?" He asked, I was actually a bit nervous.

"Yes. That's actually the plan I had when I met her at the cafe. To be with her" I said with sincerity.

"Hmm, I see. Well, the first time you met my sister was in College. How do you know that you have feelings for her when you met her again at my cafe? I mean, it's like few years since you last saw her." he said, and he's looking at me with these piercing eyes.

"Well, when I first met her, we were classmates in our French classes, and I actually greeted her playfully but she just ignored me since then, and I admit that I had a crush on her starting that day, so I sit with her all throughout the classes." I said, I just let my mouth tell everything

"And when we have no classes, I always wait for the time and look forward to meet her or just see her everyday in university. And I was attracted to the way she smiles, the way she talks, the way she looks at everyone. And the day that I realized that I already fell into the trap, I still can remember it clearly. I was sitting at the benches, and I saw her walking, her hair bounces in every step she takes, the way she moves her hands, the way she turn her gaze at her surroundings, it's like I was watching a movie in slow motion. And I can remember how I acted when I realized what I'm feeling. I fell on the ground, like my knees gave up, then my heart starts to beat faster, even faster when she walk pass by me." I said and I chuckled, which surprised me cause I didn't realize that I was chuckling.

"So, after that day, I always wanted to see her, I don't care if she ignores, all I care is that I get to see her that day. It continues and continues and I know that my feelings were getting deeper. But I was afraid to confess, cause she literally ignores any guys who approach her." I said and let out a chuckle

"So, the day when we graduated, I planned to talk to her but after the ceremony, I didn't get to find her and I heard from her friend that she already left, with you. And it actually made me regret cause I didn't get to confess to her." I said, then her brother chuckled that confused me

"Then what did you do after College? You didn't get stuck with your life? I mean, does it affect you big, when you didn't get the chance to talk to my sister?" He asked, then I smile

"Uhm, no. I mean, I started to help with my Dad's company and I actually traveled the world both business and personal matters. And in every place that I visited, I always hoped that maybe there's a chance that I will see her. And I didn't lose hope, and now I already found her." I answered.

"And after like four or five years of not seeing my sister, you didn't think that maybe you're losing your feelings. That maybe you don't like her anymore" he said, then I chuckled and shake my head

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