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Zander Pov
Okay, here I am sitting at a room, waiting to start the event, special event actually.

I was restless and nervous, yet excited and happy. I kept on walking back and forth and trying to calm myself.

"Hey, don't be nervous. No one will stop your wedding with my sister." Lennox said, I smiled and nodded. Yes, today is my wedding day, Louise and I.

But before all these, and before I came back, I talked to Lennox asking for his permission to propose to Louise, and to their parents, when they agreed, I immediately booked a flight going back. And when Louise accepted my proposal, their parents, our parents rather, they want us to get married sooner, so just after a month, here we are, at our wedding day. Louise agreed to live together at the house I bought at Casa Grande Royale, we'll be starting our family there.

"Why did you ask me to be your best man? You can ask Sean and Jaxon" he asked, I smiled and look at him

"Cause you're the one who witnessed everything. You saw us during our best and our worst. And in all that, you never leave our side and you supported us. Thank you for being there Kuya Lennox." I said, he smiled

"Right...I was never wrong with you. I was right, you were gonna be Louise's other half." he said and pat me on my shoulder.

"Okay. We need to go, you don't want the guests to wait" he said, so we went to the venue, everything was settled.

Kuya Lennox also helped us with the decorations and the planning, together with his wife. Our parents provided the clothes and invitations.

I saw Sean and Jaxon running to us.

"Yow, Zander. Take good care of my cousin. You know, she might be acting cold but trust me, she will love you until the end" Sean said and pat me on the shoulder. I smiled

"I actually know that this will happen the time you approached her at the cafe, remember that?" Jaxon said, I nodded and remember how nervous I was that time

"Yup. We all felt this would happen. So, take care of her. She's lucky to have you" Sean said, I smiled. I hugged them both

"Okay. No need to hug us but okay. We'll be here if you need us" Sean said, I smiled and patted them. I know they love Louise, she's their friend after all. And I know they will be there for us..


The ceremony started, and as I was walking at the isle, it felt like a dream. I saw my family having their smiles. They were happy for us.

As I stand at the front, waiting for my bride. I saw her with her Father's arm, she was smiling. I suddenly felt nervous again, my heart starts beating fast, and my hands starts to sweat. Kuya Lennox then pats my shoulder and smile at me

"Don't be nervous." He whispered. I smiled and nodded.

I put my gaze back to the girl who's walking at the isle, about to marry this man, who loves her more than anything. I was so happy that my eyes suddenly tears, I wipe it with my scarf, this feels like a dream.

Suddenly, our memories flashbacks to my mind.


From the day we first met

"Hi" I said greeting a girl and sitting beside her. It was the first day of school and she immediately caught my eye. Even when she didn't answer back, I was happy, just to sit beside her.


The first time I talked to her at the cafe

"Hi, uhmm can I sit here?" I asked, she smiled at me. I take a seat and look at her

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