He knows not

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Severus squeezed Lily’s hand firmly as Blunt encouraged Lily to push. Lily, her darkened hair plastered to her forehead, grimaced as she obeyed. Severus sent a drift of ease toward Lily and her face, though contorted in pain, relaxed the smallest bit.

“When you’re ready, Lily,” Blunt said calmly, nodding at Lily.

“I can’t,” Lily gasped out, her face burning a bright red. Severus moved his free hand over his wife’s back, kneading her muscles expertly.

“You can do this, Lily,” he assured her, opening his mind fully to her, letting her feel what he was feeling; his love, his gratitude and his awe at the strength he was witnessing. Lily gritted her teeth in renewed determination, nodding only once as she squeezed Severus’ hand with all her strength.

“That’s it, Lily,” Blunt smiled as Lily pushed. “A nice full head of a black hair,” she told them and Lily somehow managed to smile. Severus felt a nervous flutter against his ribs, though with his shields given over to Lily, he couldn’t be certain whose nerves he was feeling. “Once more,” the Healer calmly directed and Severus squeezed this time, his anticipation driving him.

Lily groaned in agony as she brought their son into the world and Severus’ pulse quickened as with deft maneuvering, Blunt grasped the little squirming body gently with both hands. She guided him forward and placed him onto Lily’s chest, a bloody, soggy mess…and absolutely perfect.

Severus heard the little sob that escaped from Lily, but Severus couldn’t take his eyes off the tiny features as Blunt quickly tied off the umbilical cord, wrapped a blanket around the newborn and applied a Warming Charm over mother and child with practiced ease. The little face scrunched and the baby let out a squalor that warmed Severus through. Lily, her hands shaking, brought her arms around her bundle and Severus moved closer to them, wrapping his arm securely around Lily’s shoulder as the wailing quieted.

“Look at him, Sev,” Lily marveled, touching his cheek gently. Severus, as if in a daze, leaned in to study the baby as directed. He ran his finger along the soft skin of the baby’s exposed arm, until he had freed one of the trapped hands. He stroked his finger along the inside of the tiny palm. The little one curled his fist around Severus' long, calloused finger. Severus' heart leapt in his chest.

“Hi, Harry,” Lily whispered and Severus started at the greeting. They’d decided on the name months ago, but to hear it…

Severus stared in wonder at the little person in Lily’s arms. Harry. His son.



Ginny watched Hermione pacing back and forth in front of one of the bare stone walls in the Room of Requirement. Ron was sitting against the opposite wall next to Ginny, his knees drawn up to his chest and Ginny couldn’t help but wonder if he was consciously imitating Harry’s posture in Snape’s quarters. She doubted it though. Her brother seemed completely oblivious to everything, even Hermione’s agitated pacing.

McGonagall had left them at the Enchanted Staircases, seeming to forget that there was plenty of time for Ron to make it to at least some of his detention. She’d sort of waved them off vaguely, looking rather dazed after Hermione had asked her repeatedly for some answers about what had happened to Snape. Hermione had watched their Head of House, a furious frown on her face and without another word, she’d stormed up the moving staircases and Ginny and Ron had scrambled after her. Hermione hadn’t stopped until the door to the Room of Requirement had allowed them entrance.

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