Snape's Misery

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Lily Evans turned, trying to shift her armload of books so they didn't topple over into the stone corridor. She smiled as Remus rushed over to her, grabbing up most of the books.

"Here. I've got them," he assured her with an easy smile, arranging the books easily in his own arms.

Lily pushed back the lock of red hair that had fallen into her eyes. "Thanks, Remus," she said with a sigh.

"Are you coming from the library, or on your way there?" Remus asked with a grin as he fell in step beside her.

"I just spent the last four hours in that damn library," Lily informed him with a shake of her beautiful head. "I'll be glad when I never have to see that room again!"

Remus laughed. "What will you do, though, without immediate access to thousands of books at a time?" he asked in mock-horror.

Lily made a face at him. "After the N.E.W.T.s next month, I swear to you, Remus, I don't ever want to see another book."

"Right, Lily. You'll be Flooing Flitwick at least once a week for a new Charms Text," her friend teased, and Lily laughed with him.

"Well, maybe," she agreed with a sheepish smile, "but only after a suitable amount of time has passed. I am going to spend the entire summer doing absolutely nothing."

Remus grinned, shaking his head, not believing Lily for a minute. "Are you going home?" he asked her and then frowned as Lily stopped walking and shook her head, so that her bright hair brushed against her cheeks; her eyes lit up with excitement.

Remus stopped as well, turning to face his friend. "You aren't going home?" he asked, bewildered. "Where are you going?"

"That is none of your business," a silky voice interrupted.

Lily's heart skipped a beat. She looked up quickly to find those obsidian eyes she loved so much staring down at her. She couldn't help the smile that found her lips, nor the blush that crept up her cheeks.

Severus, his eyes glinting quickly in response, turned abruptly to Remus. "I believe I can take those for Lily," he told him, reaching for his wand. He used it to shrink the entire pile of books, and then he placed them neatly in his pocket, giving Remus a look of utmost disparagement as he sneered, "Seven years at Hogwarts, Lupin, and you do not know a simple Shrinking Spell?"

"Of course he knows one, Sev," Lily told him lightly. "I didn't think of it, either, and he was just trying to help."

Severus' eyes narrowed immediately. "Indeed."

Remus smiled and shrugged. "You're right, though. I should have thought of that," he acknowledged, making Severus narrow his eyes further with suspicion. Lily tucked back a smile.

"Thanks, Remus," she said quickly. Before he could turn away, she asked, "Are you coming to the study group tonight?"

Her friend nodded. "Eight o'clock, right?"

"In the common room," she affirmed with a nod.

"Well, until then, I guess, Lily. Nice to see you, Severus," Remus added with a slight smile at him.

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